Why your heating (and cooling) is so important

To understand why it is so important to monitor your heating in winter and cooling during the summer months, it is vital to weigh up exactly how much you are spending on HVAC solutions.

If you add up all of the appliances in your home, including your fridge, television, computer, coffee maker, cooking devices – absolutely everything – they only make up around a third of your energy use.

Heating and cooling make up 40 per cent of your electricity usage, and when you factor in water heating for those long winter showers, that is another 21 per cent. That means around two-thirds of all your energy use comes from trying to keep warm.

There are ways you reduce your heating expenses

Now that you know how much money you are spending on your heating, it is time to do something about it. Here are some tips that can help you carve off a large sum from your next bill:

Close doors: There is no need to heat rooms that have nobody in them. Close the doors to these rooms so your system is not overloaded, trying to keep your entire house warm.

Adjust the temperature: While it is highly tempting to set the thermostat to a toasty warm climate, the ideal range is between 18 and 20 degrees Celcius. Every degree you reduce your thermostat by can save up to 10 per cent of your energy use, so this becomes a bit saving if your thermostat is sitting in the high 20-degree range.

Monitor your usage: Using a smart device like the Powerpal Powerpal Smart Energy Monitor, you can connect your smart device to your power metre and get real-time stats on your usage. You can see where you are bleeding electricity and change your behaviours for real savings.

Take shorter showers: With your water heating taking up such a large part of your bill, minimising your time in the shower is essential – especially when you have a large family. An excellent way to minimise showers is to play music, two tracks, and then it is time to hop out.

Shut curtains and blinds: Up to 40 per cent of your heating can escape through your windows, even when they are closed. Your curtains and blinds are perfect insulation.

Seal drafts: You are losing valuable heat through gaps under your doors as well. Simple draft stoppers can help seal it in.

Install solar panels: Many people only associate solar panels with the summer months when the sun is shining brightly in the sky. Modern panels are much more efficient than previous models and will still produce large volumes of power during winter. This will drive down your electricity costs and help you keep toasty warm at the same time. Speak to the team at Energy Matters about how you can get an affordable and efficient solar power setup today.

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