Help! My friend is a climate denier

Climate change is a real and present danger. However, despite the science showing that harmful greenhouse emissions are causing global warming and dangerous weather incidents, some people refuse to buy into it. It doesn’t matter how many peer-reviewed research documents you show them – there will always be a social post or YouTube clip that they will retort with.

It can be frustrating, but getting cross is not going to change their mind. Getting emotional is more likely to make them feel like ‘the conspiracy’ is being forced on them.

So what do you do when one of those climate deniers happens to be close to you? What actions can you take when a close friend or family member refuses to acknowledge that we all have a role to play for a sustainable future?

Choose your audience

First of all, some people will never be swayed. You know the type – they love to argue, and they come armed with unsubstantiated ‘facts’ that are impossible for you to counter without research. You can present them with the science, but trying to convert them will likely just reinforce their views. It is better to move on to friends and family that are open to new ideas and information.

Get to the heart of their beliefs

One of the major frustrations when it comes to dealing with climate deniers is the slogans. Media outlets that have vested interests in big coal will pump out memorable slogans that become ingrained in the minds of their audience.

Don’t try to combat these slogans. Instead, explore how deep your loved one’s beliefs go. Why do they believe these slogans? What do they want for our future? It can steer the conversation away from tabloid newspaper headlines and toward a more positive and healthy debate where new ideas might be better received.

Counter the ‘conspiracy’ calls

Let’s talk rationally for a moment. Conspiracies usually involve agendas. Why would the moon landing have been faked? To assert the United States ahead of China and Russia in the space race. Why are planes leaving ‘chemtrails’? So our government can ‘control’ us.

But what possible reason would a scientist have for faking climate change? There is no gain for them. There is no reason why they would fake this on such a massive scale without any financial or other incentives.

Assure them that it is not all about money

Have you seen how much a research scientist makes? They earn under $100k per year in Australia, despite the massive hours and high pressure they work under. Money is certainly not a motivator.

Provide them with education

Social media, biased media outlets, politicians with agendas – there are so many sources of false or statements out there in the modern world.

It is no wonder there are climate deniers when there are so many sources out there pumping out that rhetoric. These sources will use fear, with messages like ‘no more coal mining will mean the collapse of the global economy’. Gift them real literature with accurate citations and references that can help them make a more educated decision. We can’t believe everything we read on social media.

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