How a solar-powered watch can change your life

Many people have a hard time finding the best watches for them. They may not know what to look for, or they don’t want to spend too much money on something that can easily be lost or broken.

This is especially the case for people who love to pack their lives with adventure. You want a device that will be reliable, packed full of features and durable for all occasions. There are many reasons why a solar watch is your best choice, for day to day wear or for those extreme adventure activities.

They don’t require constant maintenance

Solar-powered watches require no winding or special maintenance to function correctly. As long as you give it some sunlight now and then, your device will keep time accurately without any effort on your part.

You don’t need to change batteries all the time.

The batteries in most watches need to be replaced at least once every few years. This can be inconvenient, especially if you don’t have a specialised repair shop nearby.

These batteries can be pretty expensive, and you won’t need to replace them every two years like a traditional option. Some watches will start to lose time, and features will fail as the battery reaches its end of life as well. There is a battery inside a solar watch, but it will last for a decade or more.

The extra power means more features

Having access to plenty of power from the sun means you can jam more features into a solar watch. Take the Garmin Fenix 6X Pro Solar, for example. This is the latest GPS smartwatch from the American multinational technology company. It has everything you need, from basic features to extreme sports apps that will help you take your adventure to the next level.

This device uses sensors to help you monitor and regulate your pace while exercising, monitor your heart rate and even check your blood oxygen saturation.

As Garmin is world-renowned for its navigation systems, you can expect plenty of GPS support with this model as well. Like to ski? There are built-in maps for 2000 ski resorts around the world. Plus, you will always know your location no matter where you are, which is an essential safety feature.

The latest model also gives you access to Surfline Camera, the world’s largest HD surf camera network. Every time you ride past one of these cameras anywhere globally, your watch will capture a video that can be viewed on any device later on.

This watch will create a climber profile for that love to climb and track all of the metrics from anything from bouldering to indoor rock climbing.

And, of course, it has all of the modern-day essentials, including music storage and management, contact-free payments and smart notifications — all powered by the sun.

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