Solar Powering Australia’s Rural Regions

The solar power revolution in Australia is offering multiple opportunities for people in rural areas throughout the nation.

The solar power revolution in Australia is offering multiple opportunities for people in rural areas throughout the nation.

Generating income from a farm or hobby farm can be tough. For others with large blocks just looking to put power on, the cost of getting connected to mains electricity can be very prohibitive.

According to the co-founder of national solar solutions provider Energy Matters, landholders across Australia are switching on to solar power as a way of not only powering their own operations, but generating stable income.

“There are some fantastic Government incentives available at the moment for people to install solar power – both grid connected and off grid systems,” says Max Sylvester.

“For grid-connected systems, Solar Credits are available that provide up to around an initial $6,500 off a system, plus the value of any extra Renewable Energy Certificates for systems above 1.5kW capacity.”

“In addition, most states offer feed in tariff programs whereby owners of solar power systems are paid a premium rate per kilowatt hour for electricity exported to the mains grid.”

Using the example of Queensland’s feed in tariff program, the maximum system size system allowable is 10kW per phase, meaning that a system as large as 30kW is still eligible if a three-phase connection is available. Income of approximately $35K per annum from solar farming is possible in Queensland; based on 6 peak sun hours a day.

For landholders looking to install an off grid solar power system, generous rebates apply to properties over 1 kilometre away from the mains grid or where connecting to the grid would cost more than $30,000.

“Households and businesses in Australia installing systems under these circumstances will be eligible to receive the Solar Credits multiplier for the first 20kW of their system installed. Currently the Solar Credits multiplier is a factor of five, so the savings can amount to tens of thousands of dollars for systems rated at the maximum level,” says Mr. Sylvester.

“Something that people wishing to take advantage of these incentives need to bear in mind however is that there is a cap on the number of systems eligible each year, so if considering an off grid solar power system, it would be prudent to act soon.”

Mr. Sylvester also points out that some ABN holders will be able to claim depreciation on a system and GST credit; but an accountant or tax agent should be first consulted as this may vary depending on the situation.

Energy Matters has an extensive background in installing mediums scale grid connect and off grid systems; having recently completed a 200kW grid connected rooftop installation in Sydney and other projects in more remote areas such as Vanuatu, The Whitsundays and Long Island.

Energy Matters medium scale solar offerings include roof mounted, ground mounted and pole mounted systems, solar tracking and building integrated solar solutions.

For further information, visit the Energy Matters web site at  or call 1300 727 151.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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