CCS? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ CCS

While the Carbon Capture and Storage boffins struggle to make CCS commercially viable and environmentally safe – the key to a low carbon energy future is already here.

The Fountain Of Youth For Solar Cells?

Solar panels have a very long lifespan, with some installed in the 1980’s still cranking significant quantities of clean electricity – but this durability comes at a financial cost.

Survey Finds 94% Of Australians Want Big Solar

As plentiful as Australia’s solar resources may be and as much as Australians may want a clean energy future with solar power as the centerpiece, we’re still not anywhere close to tapping into even a small percentage of our sun-kissed potential.

Combet’s Solar Panel Carbon Abatement Mistake

The carbon tax is here and the Government is continuing to operate in promote and defend mode. But it may want to be careful in how it fends off attacks from the Opposition; lest it raises the ire of solar-supporting voters.