Latin America’s First Solar Soccer Stadium

Gehrlicher Ecoluz Solar do Brasil S.A has been awarded a contract for the planning and construction of the photovoltaic system, the first on a soccer stadium in Latin America.

Wind Power Threatens Earth’s Orbit, Solar Panels Sucking The Sun Dry

Video/Satire: A disturbing report suggests the collective “propeller” force exerted by wind turbines installed all over the world may alter earth’s orbit – and even solar power poses a threat to our planet as millions of vampire solar panels suck all the energy from the sun.

UN Secretary General Calls For Renewable Energy Revolution

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called has for a global renewable energy revolution at round table talks in Denver, Colorado, stating the world has ignored the science of climate change for too long; mining its way to growth and burning its way to prosperity.

America’s West Needs To Go Wild Over Renewables

A new report on energy investment in the American West over the next 40 years shows that states need to do more than just meet mandatory renewable energy targets if they hope to transition to profitable clean economies – they must exceed current mandates and make significant changes today to affect the future.

Energy Matters Video News – Episode 43 – August 24, 2011

In this episode, Virginia covers looming changes to South Australia’s solar feed in tariff, Watarrka National Park’s solar diesel hybrid power system, a survey reveals the depth of NSW’s solar industry crisis and Australia’s only solar panel factory to stop producing solar cells.  

Churches Get Creative With Solar Power

Church buildings often provide a huge expanse of roof space perfect for generating solar electricity. Caloundra Uniting Church utilised their rooftop real estate in a unique way; using solar panels to make a religious as well as an environmental statement – a solar array in the shape of a cross.