Comprehensive Guide to Storing Solar Energy


Unlock the full potential of your solar panels! Learn everything about storing solar power, from home battery options to large-scale solutions. Discover how to maximize self-consumption, reduce costs, and contribute to a greener grid. Explore “storing solar power,” “how is solar energy stored,” and “can solar energy be stored” answered in detail.

Jinko vs LONGi: Which One to Choose in 2024

longi vs jinko solar panels

Delve into the Energy Matters comparison of LONGi and Jinko solar panels. Navigate the differences and discover the optimal choice for your renewable energy requirements in this insightful exploration of sustainable power options.

SENEC Australia Liquidation: What Happens to Your Warranty Now?

On December 11, 2023, SENEC Australia, a prominent player in the home battery market, officially entered into liquidation proceedings. Established in 2009, the company gained recognition as one of the leading vendors of home battery systems, particularly in Germany. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, SENEC garnered a solid customer base drawn to its […]

Australia’s Path to a Clean Industry Future: Achieving Net Zero Energy

net zero economy

Australia has a unique opportunity to become a global leader in the net zero economy. With abundant renewable energy resources and critical minerals, Australia is well-positioned to capitalise on the growing demand for low-carbon products and services.  However, transitioning to a net zero economy will require significant changes to Australia’s industrial sector. This article will […]

10 Latest Solar Power Statistics

solar energy australia statistics

Australia, often dubbed the “Sunburnt Country,” boasts abundant sunshine, making it a natural leader in solar energy adoption. From rooftop panels on individual homes to vast solar farms sprawling across landscapes, the country is experiencing a significant shift towards this clean and sustainable source of power. But where exactly does Australia stand in the realm […]

Lead-acid vs Lithium Batteries: The Ultimate Guide

lead acid vs lithium

Choosing the right battery can be daunting, especially when navigating the ever-evolving world of energy storage. Leading acid and lithium batteries are prominent contenders in this arena, each boasting unique advantages and drawbacks. This guide delves into the key differences between lead-acid vs lithium batteries empowering you to make an informed decision based on your […]

What’s the Difference: Normal Solar Inverters vs. Solar Hybrid Inverters

Normal grid-tied inverters vs Hybrid Inverters

As the world shifts towards sustainable energy solutions, solar power has emerged as a frontrunner in the quest for clean and renewable energy. Compare solar inverters to understand how they play a crucial role in harnessing and converting this solar energy into usable electricity. Among the diverse range of solar inverters available, two prominent options […]

Everything You Should Know About Embedded Networks


Living in an apartment building, retirement village, caravan park, or even a large shopping centre comes with its own perks and quirks. One aspect you might not have considered is the possibility of being connected to an embedded network. But what exactly is an embedded network, and how does it impact your electricity usage in […]

Solar Power vs. Blackouts: Can Your Home Stay Lit When the Grid Goes Dark?

In recent years, Australia has experienced a concerning uptick in the frequency of blackouts. These blackouts disrupt the normal functioning of households and businesses across the country. There are many factors that contribute to this, such as extreme weather events, aging infrastructure, and increased energy demand.  In 2018, the AEMC’s Reliability Frameworks Interim Report, Memory’s […]

A Dive Into the History of Electric Cars in Australia


Electric cars are often seen as a recent innovation driven by the need to reduce greenhouse petrol emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. However, electric cars have a long and fascinating history, dating back to the 19th century. This article will explore the history of electric cars in Australia, from the first electric car to […]