Solar Means Business In The USA

Solar Means Business 2016 - SEIA

Target leads businesses in the USA going solar states a new report from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) – the first time it has reached the no.1 spot.

The retailer now has 147.5 megawatts of installed solar capacity and is continuing to work towards a goal of having installed solar panels on 500 stores and distribution centers by 2020. Nearly half of Target’s installations were installed this year (70MW)

The SEIA report, which only focuses on the largest adopters, covers 1,947 installations with a collective capacity of 1,092 MW. Combined, these installations generate 1.5 million MWh of clean electricity annually; enough to power 193,000 homes and avoid 1.1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year.

Here’s how the 2016 leaderboard looks in terms of cumulative capacity installed.

  • Target – 147 MW
  • Walmart – 145 MW
  • Prologis – 108 MW
  • Apple – 94 MW
  • Costco – 51 MW
  • Kohl’s – 50 MW
  • IKEA – 44 MW
  • Macy’s – 39 MW
  • General Growth Properties – 30 MW
  • Hartz Mountain – 23 MW

The report states 142 MW of corporate solar was added in the U.S. in the first three quarters of this year, more than was installed in all of 2015 (129 MW).

Solar means business

“Investing in solar is a common-sense decision that pays dividends for both the environment and companies’ bottom lines and these leaders deserve a big round of applause,” said SEIA’s interim president Tom Kimbis.

More from the 2016 Solar Means Business report can be viewed here.

Australian businesses are also increasingly becoming aware of the benefits of acquiring a commercial solar power system; including generating electricity for significantly cheaper than it can be sourced from the mains grid.

A recent report from SunWiz indicates solid growth in small and large commercial systems.

Commercial solar installations - Australia

As in the USA, uptake in Australia is being driven by reduced costs of solar PV. Other options such as the solar PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) are making PV systems more accessible; enabling companies to generate clean electricity at their premises with zero outlay and without the burden of system ownership.

Commercial energy storage solutions, including Tesla Powerpack, are also making solar panels an even more attractive proposition for businesses.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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