Energy Matters Solar Affiliate Partner Program

Have a web site or blog related to green living or home improvement*? Do you want to help Australians cut household greenhouse gas emissions and save thousands on their electricity bills by joining Australia’s rooftop solar power revolution? If so, then you can make money by doing so with our solar affiliate program!

We’ll pay you $5 commission per referred customer who gets a quote for any grid connected solar power system or Home Battery Storage!

Solar affiliate signup

How our solar affiliate program works

We provide you with special links to a solar quiz form where you can refer customers to us. When those referred customers request a lead from us, as soon as we can confirm the customer allowed 1-3 solar retailers to quote them, you’ll eligible for an eGift credit which can be redeemed for almost anything.  To be eligible for this program you need to refer at least 20 customers per month to Energy Matters… to get started just use our standard get a quote link found on our website/banners and in the “notes/other information” write your “email address & referred by “x’“.

We follow up on all leads

We consider the leads our solar affiliates send us to be valuable. Anyone who submits for a quote for solar power, our solar partners/installers follow up with. To do this, Energy Matters has an extensive network of dedicated solar retailers, across the entire country, who are passionate about solar power and they attend to any enquiries as soon as possible. This network manages hundreds of enquiries every month and we have ability to support large scale projects.

We operate with small and large accounts, including those providing as little as 20 referrals per month up to hundreds.

Rapid payments

We pay commissions by the end of the first week of each month for customers who have been confirmed as going ahead with a quote by one of our partners.

Banners, articles and links

We provide professionally designed fast loading banners, text links, articles and all the resources you’ll need to make the most of participation in our solar power partner program. If you need something specific, we’ll do our best to provide you with what you want.

Reputable company

Energy Matters is one of Australia’s leading solar power companies and pre-2019 installed thousands of systems across our nation. We’ve grown due to our commitment to quality and focus on providing superior customer service and today, although we no longer install solar power, we are responsible for thousands of installation per year by connecting consumers to their local installers. Energy Matters was a founder of the Clean Energy Council Approved Retailer program, thus helping raise the quality standards in the solar industry.

Get started as a solar affiliate!

If you have a web site or blog related to energy, home improvements, environment etc., that attracts Australian traffic – we want you! Sign up now to be a solar affiliate. It only takes a minute to do.  Our affiliate manager will review your application within one working day.

Solar affiliate signup


If you have any questions about our solar affiliate program, contact us.

* Please note, in order to be eligible for our program, you must have your own relevant and publicly accessible web site and be promoting Energy Matters from that site.