10 energy-efficient ways to stay warm this winter

The mercury has already started to fall around the country, with winter just around the corner. That can mean cranking up oil, gas and electric powered heating devices to beat the chill, which also means spikes in your power bill.

There are plenty of ways you can stay warm without the expense. Here are some of the best ways to be cosy this winter without the bill shock at the end of it.

1. Reverse your ceiling fans

Most ceiling fans have a switch on them so you can put them into winter mode. Fans spin anticlockwise in summer to push cooler air back down, so you want to reverse that process. Hot air rises, so switching your fans to a clockwise cycle is going to push that hot air back down to keep you warm.

2. Have efficient showers

It can be tempting to soak up the hot water in the shower for long periods, but this is running up your power bill. Set a timer and consider a low-flow showerhead to limit these expenses.

3. Use hot water bottles

Electric blankets are a nice modern convenience, but you can stay just as toasty with the trusty old hot water bottles at a fraction of the price.

4. Close up your house at night

Up to 40 per cent of the heat inside of your home can escape through the windows, floors and doors – much more if you leave them open. Check for draughts and use towels or blankets to seal them up. Make sure you draw your curtains as well to retain as much heat as possible.

5. Open up your home during the day

When the sun is shining, throw those curtains open and allow the natural solar heat to warm your home. At dusk, draw your curtains and you will have a very comfortable home environment.

6. Turn off appliances that are on standby

This is an all-seasons tip, but a timely one nonetheless. The average Aussie home has around 30 devices that are in standby mode and they can account for as much as 10 per cent of your electricity bill.

7. Use your air-conditioners

Don’t go out and purchase oil or gas heating devices – just switch your air-con to reverse cycle and it will do a similar job more efficiently to save you money.

8. Be diligent with your thermostat

Just like you want to keep your air-conditioning set at around 26 degrees in summer, your heating should be no higher than 19 degrees in winter. Every single degree higher that you turn that dial is going to require exponentially more power. Also, ensure you are only heating the rooms you are actually using.

9. Insulate your ceiling

This will also help keep your home cool in summer without electric devices.

10. Switch to solar

Over two million Australians have already transitioned away from fossil fuels to solar rooftop systems and they are enjoying enormous savings on their electricity bills.

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