Australian Greens Blast Gillard For Cutting Solar Power Funding

The Australian Greens say they are the only party serious about tackling climate change and transitioning Australia into a renewable energy economy.

The Australian Greens say they are the only party serious about tackling climate change and transitioning Australia into a renewable energy economy.
Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, has attacked both Labor and the Coalition for cutting $416.5 million out of renewable energy funding.
“Despite promising ‘record investment in renewable energy’, Prime Minister Gillard has used this election campaign to pull funding out of renewable energy at a record rate,” Senator Milne said.
In 2007 Federal Labor were swept into office on the back of plans for a national Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and promotion of renewable energy projects such as baseload solar power.
Julia Gillard committed to increasing funds for renewable energy after becoming Prime minister in June. Senator Milne says that by pulling money out of such a vital growth industry. Prime Minister Gillard has let voters down and that the Opposition is no better.
“Tragically for all those Australians who want to see real climate action, who want jobs in renewable energy or who are investing in renewable energy technologies, Tony Abbott has lined up with the Prime Minister, matching her cuts dollar for dollar,” she said.
The Prime Minister said at a news conference yesterday that the cuts were necessary in order to fund investment in “hot rock” geothermal power and the government’s “cash for clunkers” old car buy-back.
Australia votes in the federal election tomorrow with both major parties neck and neck in the polls. The Greens are almost certain to hold the balance of power in the Senate. 
“The only choice for Australians who want to see Australia powered by the sun, wind, ocean and earth is to help give the Greens the strongest possible presence in the parliament,” Senator Milne said.
Election 2010 – Renewable Energy And Climate Change – where the parties stand.

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