Clinton Lauds IRENA In Abu Dhabi

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has applauded the efforts of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and their impact on addressing climate change, supporting sustainable technology, and combating "energy poverty" in the third world.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has applauded the efforts of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and their impact on addressing climate change, supporting sustainable technology, and combating “energy poverty” in the third world.
Secretary Clinton reaffirmed the USA’s commitment to renewable energy worldwide during a speech for the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi earlier this week.
“We want to enhance energy security, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, address energy poverty, support sustainable development, and boost economic growth worldwide,” she said.
America formally joined IRENA in 2009, when the Agency was established. Currently, 149 countries have signed the Agency’s Statute of Membership. However, the Statute does not set any binding measures upon members. 51 nations have ratified IRENA’s renewable energy Treaty. Australia did so on January 11 this year. The USA has yet to ratify the Treaty, though it is expected to do so in the near future. 
Acting Interim Director General of IRENA, Mr. Adnan Amin, said Secretary Clinton’s remarks represented strong support from the US for the development and deployment of renewable energy in the Middle East.
“The US joining IRENA was a clear signal to the world that renewable energy, energy security, and reduction of carbon emissions are high on the global agenda.”

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