Solar Energy Solidarity Helping Impoverished Communities

Disadvantaged communities in Africa and South America are set to benefit from solar power installations carried out by an initiative dedicated to raising living standards through small-scale solar PV projects.

Disadvantaged communities in Africa and South America are set to benefit from solar power installations carried out by an initiative dedicated to raising living standards through small-scale solar PV projects.

PROINSO, member of the OPDE Group and founder of the Solar Energy Solidarity corporate responsibility programme, has announced it will donate PV supplies and work with local and international NGOs on five solar power projects.

In Lagunas, Peru, the company plans to work alongside local charity, the Corazonistas Foundation to install a 3.25 kW solar power system at a hospital and two learning centres, providing the community with more electricity each day. In La Matanza, a 1.25 kW solar-powered water pumping system will provide a village of 300 with access to clean drinking water. Both projects are expected to take around a year to complete.

In Togo, Africa, a 3.20 kW solar power system will supply energy to school buildings in Kulunde, providing the struggling population of 9200 with more access to educational opportunities, while an 80-metre deep water well and storage system equipped with solar-powered pumping facilities in La Kounte will lower the chances of locals contracting water-borne diseases.

The final project under PROINSO’s Solar Solidarity programme will consist of a 1.3 kW rooftop solar power system to be installed in a foyer providing accommodation to homeless young people in Benin, West Africa. This project will be developed jointly with the NGO Youth and Development.

According to a company statement, PROINSO will continue to monitor their solar projects and the impact they have on the lives of local communities.

“With this initiative, PROINSO wants to show its commitment to helping underprivileged groups lacking the financial or technical resources to generate solar PV energy, so that they can transform and use the energy from the sun.”

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