Seminar: Repower Your Business With Solar

Energy Matters' commercial solar power division has partnered with Western Power and the Alternative Technologies Association to run two half day seminars next (Wednesday 28 November) in Perth.

Energy Matters’ commercial solar power division has partnered with Western Power and the Alternative Technologies Association to run two half day seminars next (Wednesday 28 November) in Perth. 
The seminars are designed to give business owners, energy and environmental managers an opportunity to discover how creating their own electricity can benefit their organisation.
Generating electricity through a solar power system can have a major positive impact on business power bills and a payback period of just five years.
This seminar will help provide attendees with an understanding of whether solar is right for them: 
– Where solar works and where it doesn’t.
– New developments in the solar PV sector. 
– Solar PV economic drivers. 
– Hear from Western Power about their new streamlined system connection process. 
– Hear from solar experts on how to assess quality differences in panels and outputs. 
Energy Matters’ Richard Johnston will demystify solar PV basics and showcase examples of successful commercial installations and their financial returns. 
Dave Lowry of Western Power will talk about the new and simplified process to connect to the network, while Damien Moyse from the ATA will explain to attendees what to look for when purchasing a solar power system. 
REC Group’s Nick Rose will elaborate on the technical aspects and system quality.

Australian Institute of Management
Western Power Room
76 Birkdale Street 
Floreat WA 6014


Wednesday 28 November 2012
Session 1: 9am – 12pm
Session 2: 1pm – 4pm

Ticket Prices:

Standard Ticket: $165
(or $120 for PC / WALGA / IGA / ATA Members)

Tickets available through Try Booking: 

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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