Cook Dinner In 20 Minutes Using The Sun

The classic Australian barby could look very different soon - a new Kickstarter project seeks to finance commercial release of the GoSun Stove.

The classic Australian barby could look very different soon – a new Kickstarter project seeks to finance commercial release of the GoSun Stove.
Claiming to cook a meal in as little as 20 minutes in moderate sunlight, the GoSun Stove offers an efficiency of 80 – 90%.
Now in its 30th iteration, what will be the go-to-market versions of the appliance use parabolic reflection, evacuation and the greenhouse effect to create what its makers say is “the most advanced solar cooking device to date”. 
Food is placed inside the evacuated tube, which acts as a thermos; continuing to provide heat should the sun be obscured by clouds.
The GoSun stove can reach temperatures up to 550°F (approximately 287 degrees Celsius) and unlike many other forms of solar cookers; once positioned, the GoSun doesn’t require continual adjusting.
While designed to some degree with developing nations in mind, the GoSun Stove will also be available in developed nations. 
Among the societal and environmental benefits listed for the device is the tongue in cheek “No Child Left Inside – getting outdoors to stop Nature Deficiency Disorder”.
Backers pledging USD $79 will receive a GoSun Mini and a pledge of $179 will provide a full-scale GoSun Stove.
The GoSun Mini is a featherweight at just 700 grams, but only provides a volume of 300ml for food – not exactly a huge capacity.  It has a very small footprint when assembled – 32cm long x 15cm high and 20cm wide.
The full scale GoSun Stove weight 1.5kg, offers a 1.4kg food capacity and its dimensions when assembled and fully opened are 61cm long, 41cm high and 30cm wide.
The makers have already far exceeded their funding target. While the goal was to raise $40,000; at the time of writing, $111,309 has been pledged.

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