CEC Calls For Fair and Reasonable Tasmanian Feed In Tariff

The Clean Energy Council's submission to the Tasmanian Economic Regulator on the future of feed in tariffs in the state seeks a 'benefit-reflective feed-in tariff'.

The Clean Energy Council’s submission to the Tasmanian Economic Regulator on the future of feed in tariffs in the state seeks a ‘benefit-reflective feed-in tariff’.

Applications for Tasmania’s solar FiT lodged after August 30 this year are currently eligible for a transitional feed-in tariff rate of 8 cents per KWh that applies until the end of December 2013.

The feed in tariff rate from the beginning of next year will soon be determined. A draft report (PDF) published last month by the Regulator proposes a FiT rate of 8.282 c/kWh for the period from 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2014.

The CEC has offered a number of recommendations, details of which are provided in the submission.

The major points are:

– Recognition of the benefits of  distributed solar generation and energy storage and aligning incentives that will encourage efficient investment and
reduce electricity costs for all electricity consumers.

– Basing a feed in tariff on those overall benefits.

– Supporting a staged introduction of smart meters, beginning with solar households and businesses and others who choose to opt in to such a program.

– Regulation of benefit-reflective feed-in tariffs and to allow distributed generation and storage to compete on fair terms, particularly during periods of peak electricity consumption.

– Provision of access to information to early adopters of TOU (Time Of Use) pricing.

– Reduce or remove barriers to competition for distributed generation and storage.

“The days of incentive-based feed-in tariff offers are behind us,” says the submission Executive Summary in relation to households and businesses now joining the solar revolution. “All we seek is the right to compete at a fair price”.

The CEC also says it supports the principle of feed-in tariffs not resulting in cross-subsidies between customers or customer classes.

The full submission can be viewed here (PDF). The Regulator will provide its final recommendations in a Final Report to Government by 31 October 2013.

Related: Australian solar feed-in tariff information.

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