Anti-Wind Group Linked To Fossil Fuel : Greens

When it comes to anti-wind farm sentiment; many roads lead to the Waubra Foundation - and some of the roads from there lead to fossil fuel interests say the Greens.

When it comes to anti-wind farm sentiment; many roads lead to the Waubra Foundation – and some of the roads from there lead to fossil fuel interests say the Greens.
The Waubra Foundation’s main claim to fame (or infamy, depending on your point of view) is its insistence so-called Wind Turbine Syndrome exists; although no credible scientific or medical body recognises it.
Pretty much the entire premise of Wind Turbine Syndrome is based on the claimed negative effects of infrasound emanating from turbines. 
However, the infrasound myth was debunked earlier this year after South Australia’s Environment Protection Authority released a report showing infrasound levels at homes near wind turbines are no greater than experienced elsewhere. 
The lack of evidence supporting Wind Turbine Syndrome compared to the volume of evidence stating it doesn’t exist is such that the syndrome been labelled by some as a “communicated” disease.
Even in light of this information, the Waubra Foundation continues to operate as a registered charity and as such; enjoys a number of benefits. It also seems to have the ear of controversial radio broadcaster Alan Jones.
Greens Senator Richard di Natale says public subsidisation of the Waubra Foundation is being used to “spread misinformation about wind energy and its health impacts.”
According to an ABC article, the Senator also claims close links exist between some of the directors of the Waubra Foundation and fossil fuel interests. He has taken his concerns to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commissioner (ACNC).
The Waubra Foundation is named after the town of Waubra in Victoria, home of the Waubra Wind Farm. It seems a significant number of locals want the Foundation to stop using its name; with around 40% of the entire population having signed a petition to that effect so far.

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