Keeping Up With The New Joneses

The Ecoliv is an 8 Star energy rated pop-up eco-house that showcases an energy efficient, low waste lifestyle as part of the New Joneses project.

The Ecoliv is an 8 Star energy rated pop-up eco-house that showcases an energy efficient, low waste lifestyle as part of the New Joneses project.
The house will be at Melbourne’s Federation Square as a feature of the Sustainable Living Festival; commencing Monday, 10 February. Ecoliv will house Channel 7’s Sunrise weather presenter and will be featured in daily live-crosses for the show
Moreland Energy Foundation’s Positive Charge will be at the site, providing advice to householders and businesses; including recommendations regarding energy efficient products and solar power.
‘We make it easy. The team at Positive Charge has carefully selected a range of energy saving products and services chosen because they work best, last longer and offer great value. We’ve done the hard work for our participants, so they can be assured that their best interests are always our priority,” says Positive Charge’s manager, Chandra Sundareswaran.
Positive Charge also works with schools and other community facilities across member councils (currently Banyule, Manningham, Melbourne, Moreland and Port Phillip) to save energy and generate their own. 
Members receive discounts between 5% and 15% on all products. 
National solar provider Energy Matters is the exclusive solar supplier to Positive Charge and the company has another connection to the New Joneses event.
Federation Square is home to an Energy Matters designed and installed solar project consisting of a 16.4kW array on the Ian Potter Gallery and an 8.2kW system on the Alfred Deakin Building.
The Sustainable Living Festival  attracts over 150,000 visits annually and is Australia’s largest and oldest sustainability festival.
The New Joneses think where stuff comes from & where it goes; maximize resources & minimise waste. Living it up, not ‘keeping up, they’re here to stay.

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