A Solar Australia – Opportunities And Threats

The continued growth in solar energy will drive employment up and electricity prices down says the Australia Institute.

The continued growth in solar energy will drive employment up and electricity prices down says the Australia Institute.
A new report titled “Will We Let The Sun Shine In? Trends In The Australian Solar Industry” states the solar PV sector now employs more than 13,000 people – significantly more than the number of people employed by coal fired power stations in Australia.
There are opportunities outside our shores to evolve from our love affair with solar. For example, it appears the productivity of Australian solar panel installers is  significantly greater than that of its counterparts in the USA. 
“As the number of panels installed around the world continues to grow there are likely to be significant opportunities for Australian solar PV installation firms to export their know-how and work practices,” says the Institute.
A new and major opportunity to appear locally that will provide an extra boost to uptake is the recent announcement from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation that it will invest signficantly in programs offering innovative financial products designed to making going solar more accessible, including for tenants in rental properties.
However, domestic threats still loom large for the industry.
“While falling costs and growing consumer support for solar PV will inevitably drive significant increases in market share, a potential barrier to the short term growth of the solar PV industry in Australia is the ability of the existing energy industry to secure regulatory protections which impede, or increase the cost of, solar PV installation.”
The report states if Australia is to fully benefit from the solar revolution, it will be necessary to avoid the creation of such “black tape”.
The Institute believes if the government gives into Big Energy’s demands to protect them from changes caused by the renewable energy revolution, this will only delay the inevitable and will ultimately result in a more rapid and painful adjustment.
“It will also deprive Australians of the environmental benefits of renewable energy as well as deprive electricity users of lower prices.”
“Will We Let The Sun Shine In? Trends In The Australian Solar Industry” can be downloaded here.

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