National Rally For Renewables This Friday

Thousands of solar supporters across the nation will be sending another very clear “hands off” message to the government this Friday regarding the future of the Renewable Energy Target.

The Rally for Renewables on Friday, September 26 at noon will be held in major centres across Australia; with events occurring at key Cabinet ministers electorate offices in each state.

Coordinated by Solar Citizens, the event is also being supported by the Clean Energy Council (CEC), Australian Solar Council, Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Australian Wind Alliance.

With a decision on the Renewable Energy Target  expected soon, it’s crunch time. The heat has already been well and truly turned up on the government and the rally is expected to further bump up the temperature.

“Cabinet ministers are MPs too – and it’s time they understand the depth of feeling in their local communities,” says part of a statement from Solar Citizens. “Before they make their decision on the Target they need to know that solar workers, business owners, solar owners and supporters everywhere want the Renewable Energy Target kept in full, with no cuts.”

Cuts to the Target would translate to the loss of thousands of jobs, and at least another 18,000 jobs won’t be created in the next 6 years. Solar Citizens says it will be more difficult for households to buy solar panels and take control of their power bills, with installation costs to skyrocket by 30-50% if the Target is slashed.

While maintaining the Renewable Energy Target in its current form has been supported by PUP, Labor and the Greens; it’s believed there are other ways the government could affect solar subsidies without necessarily needing the blessing or cooperation of other parties; making the rally and the message it will send even more important.

“This is our chance to ensure a strong future for solar and renewables. By coming together on September 26, we can show our politicians the real impact on jobs, small and large businesses and families that any cuts to the Target will have in local communities across Australia,” says Solar Citizens.

Further information on the National Rally For Renewables can be viewed here.

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