Energy Matters Unveils Unique Solar Power Calculator

Energy Matters, a Australian provider of solar power solutions for home, business and community groups has launched a new online tool to help people calculate their solar power system requirements.

Melbourne, Victoria, September 10, 2009. Energy Matters, a national provider of solar power solutions for home, business and community groups has unveiled a new online tool to help people calculate their solar power system requirements.

The grid connect solar power calculator is the first of its kind in Australia. The application requests some basic details, then based on solar power equipment choices selected and the user’s location, generates detailed performance information and graphs.

According to Max Sylvester, co-founder of Energy Matters and one of the programming team who created the application, “People can add and subtract solar panels and see the differences in power output and carbon emission reduction impact. What our application generates are not general figures such as is seen in other calculators, but information tailored to a suburb or town. The results are based on historical meteorological and solar radiation data for the area combined with the capabilities of the specific equipment selected”.

Mr. Sylvester says that the application is very simple to operate, even for those who aren’t familiar with solar power. Once a “dream system” has been configured, people can then choose to have a detailed cost estimate and information sheet relating to the system automatically sent to their email address.

The tool is free to use and available at

About Energy Matters

Energy Matters is one of Australia’s largest companies solely dedicated to renewable energy solutions for residential and commercial applications. Energy Matters is also active on an industry level and in the community in lobbying the Government on challenges facing the local renewables sector and providing education on topics relating to solar and wind power, sustainability and other environmental issues.

Max Sylvester
Energy Matters
PH: 1300 727 151

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