USA and China Team Up On Renewable Energy

In a joint initiative to accelerate clean energy development in both countries, US President Obama and Chinese President Hu yesterday announced a package of measures.

In a joint initiative to accelerate clean energy development in both countries, US President Obama and Chinese President Hu yesterday announced a package of measures; being

– A Clean Energy Research Center to assist scientists with joint research and development of clean energy technologies and act as a clearinghouse to help researchers in each country. The Center will be supported by public and private funding of at least USD $150 million over five years.
– The U.S.-China Electric Vehicles Initiative with the aim of eventual widespread deployment of electric vehicles to reduce oil dependence.
– The U.S. China Energy Efficiency Action Plan to foster research for improving the energy efficiency of buildings, industrial facilities, and consumer appliances.
– The U.S. China Renewable Energy Partnership for the development of roadmaps for wide-spread renewable energy deployment, including smart grid infrastructure.
-.A 21st Century Coal Initiative for cooperation on low emissions coal technologies and will include large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration projects. 
– A Shale Gas Initiative to assess China’s shale gas potential and to promote environmentally-sustainable development of shale gas resources.
– The U.S. China Energy Cooperation Program will leverage private sector resources for project development work in China across a wide range of clean energy projects. 22 companies are already signed up to the program that will include collaborative projects on renewable energy, smart grid, clean transportation, green building, clean coal, combined heat and power, and energy efficiency.
More information on the US-China clean energy initiative can be viewed here

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