Reports : Renewable Energy Target Legislation Stalled

Several sources are reporting the Federal Government has withdrawn legislation related to a revamp of Australia's Renewable Energy Target (RET) and that it may not be presented again until after the next Federal election.

Update 7.30am, Friday June 18: A Revised Draft Legislation Program for the Senate released last night shows the RET vote will be going ahead, but rescheduled to occur on Monday, June 21. The vote was originally intended to have taken place this week. The revised program states it is indicative only and subject to change.

Several sources are reporting the Federal Government has withdrawn legislation related to a revamp of Australia’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) and that it may not be presented again until after the next Federal election.

The crucial legislation was designed to split the RET into two components  – the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) and the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET).

The SRES would have applied to home solar power and solar hot water systems and sets a minimum fixed value of $40 per Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) to help provide some pricing stability for the renewable energy sector. The LRET is to cover large-scale renewable energy projects like wind and solar farms.

Passing of the legislation has been complicated in recent times by some wind farm lobbyists seeking to further amend the revised legislation; changes which may result in damaging the solar power industry. Senator Penny Wong was also recently locked in negotiations with the Opposition who wanted further last minute changes made to the amendments.

According to national solar solutions provider Energy Matters CEO Jeremy Rich, the bickering is negatively affecting Australia’s solar power sector. “This is all getting rather tiring and is extremely counter-productive – it seems every other day the industry is further buffeted by uncertainty – and investors do not want uncertainty.”

With global attention on the massive BP oil spill environmental disaster currently unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico; a disaster that is further confirming the world’s addiction to fossil fuels is unsustainable, Mr. Rich says he is frustrated with delays preventing a solar power revolution in Australia commencing in earnest.

“It not only affects our business but the tens of thousands of Australians wanting to play their role in slashing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and rapidly moving the nation towards a clean energy future. Let’s get this revised RET passed as originally negotiated and get it passed now.”

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