Gearing Up for Clean Energy Open Day 2019

Whether you’re there for a good old snag on bread or a healthy dish of renewable energy knowledge, the Clean Energy Open Day is sure to provide a glimpse into the ever-changing landscape of clean energy.

The Clean Energy Council (CEC) is hosting its inaugural event across 15 locations around Australia on Sunday 27th of October, 2019. Each location will boast activities that are sure to appeal to young and old. There’ll be plenty to do with food and drink, entertainment, bus and walking tours, access to the owners and operators for all your energy-related questions. There will also be plenty of other attractions where the whole family can make a day of it.

With Australia’s clean power generation shifting and evolving as we step towards a renewable energy future, being able to see and interact with the forefront of this shift is an exciting opportunity for people in the industry, as well as local residents.

A huge 16,656 jobs and investments totalling $27 billion have been generated in 2019 alone for rural and regional communities in the sector. The CEC has previously run open days that featured wind farms, but the expansion to include solar farms comes off the back of curiosity around solar energy and what this means for the average Australian.

CEC Chief Executive Kate Thornton stated: “Many people are understandably curious about how our electricity system is changing and what that looks like at the many winds and solar projects now operating in regional Australia.”

The following solar and wind farms will be hosting the open days.

Note: The Childers Solar Farm’s previously advertised open day has been cancelled due to bush fires.


Daydream and Hayman Solar Farms (tours of both)
Hamilton and Whitsunday Solar Farms (tours of both)
Oakey Solar Farm

New South Wales

Broken Hill Solar Plant
Neoen’s Dubbo Solar Hub
Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm
Woodlawn Wind Farm



Moorabool Wind Farm
Stockyard Hill Wind Farm
Swan Hill Solar Farm
ACCIONA Waubra Wind Farm



Studland Bay Wind Farm

South Australia

Willogoleche Wind Farm
Date: 27 October 2019
Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm

For more information regarding the specific events and tours, please visit:

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