Seven ways to make your home more sustainable

We all have a role to play in protecting the environment, but where do we get started? Being more sustainable in our own house can be simple, and we have some easy ways to adapt your behaviours and adopt new technologies to be cleaner and greener.

It’s time to reduce your carbon footprint for a better future.

Install a smart meter

Managing your energy consumption can be challenging. It’s common knowledge that basics like turning off lights and appliances, not in use, is important. But knowing which appliances are playing a significant role in your rising electricity costs, is a whole other ball game.

Would you know if an error in your wiring or an appliance was causing excess energy consumption? A smart metre gives you all of this information at your fingertips. It monitors all your energy consumption, voltage levels, currents and power factors, and delivers easy-to-read reports to help you use less electricity overall.

Check out Powerpal as a market leading solution here! 

Wash your clothes in cold water

On average, you use 90 per cent more energy every time you use the hot water function on your washing machine. Why? It requires much more power to warm up the water and keep it at this temperature. Most modern machines and cleaning agents are able to easily wash even heavily soiled clothes using cold water.

Insulate your home well

The insulation premise is simple: less warm air escapes your home when it is cold, while less cool air gets out when the mercury rises. That means less reliance on air-conditioning, fans and heating devices that consume large amounts of electricity.

Conserve water

Energy should not be the only thing you consider when it comes to sustainability. Water consumption is vital for our planet’s future, especially with the population rising every year. Consider rainwater tanks that can be accessed for your watering needs and water-limiting devices on all of your taps, showers and other fittings. Ensure there are no leaks and if you notice a large spike in your bill, without using more water, have your underground pipes inspected.

Invest in energy-efficient LED light bulbs

If you haven’t already made the switch from incandescent lighting to LED options, you will be amazed at the difference when you do. These LED lightbulbs use 75 per cent less electricity than standard options and will also last 25 times as long, so you are saving money, using less energy and reducing landfill all at the same time. Worth getting a quote HERE (you may even qualify for government subsidies to cover the cost of replacement lights?).

Recycle appropriately

This means more than just putting recyclable products in the right bins. Aim to purchase recycled products and materials where possible. Consider composting your kitchen scraps to improve your garden and save them from landfill.

Install solar panels on your home

This is the best thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Your electricity bill will be decimated, you can get paid rebates for supplying power back to the grid and you will be joining more than two million other Australians. They are doing their bit when it comes to sustainability by installing solar panels on your roof.

Ready to make the switch to a clean home? Get three free quotes from Energy Matters now.

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