PM Turnbull Announces Solar Communities Pledge

Solar Communities

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has pledged to create a program offering grants to community groups for the installation of solar panels and battery systems.

There’s a small catch though – re-election.

The program, which would build on the Solar Towns programme, is part of the $30 million Coalition parks and environment policy announced on Saturday

“A re-elected Turnbull Government will also support practical local action to tackle climate change by creating a $5 million Solar Communities programme to help local community organisations go solar,” states a release posted on Mr. Turnbull’s web site.

“Grants will be provided for the installation of roof top solar PV, small scale renewables, solar hot water and battery storage systems. The programme will help organisations that provide invaluable services to their local communities go solar, reduce their emissions and power bills, and take advantage of cutting edge battery storage technology.”

Funding of up to $15,000 (including GST) will be made available for projects. Eligibility will extend to local council buildings owned and managed for use by community organisations in scenarios where it can be demonstrated that the installations will deliver lower electricity bills.

“This new solar generation capability will reduce power bills for community groups, while also saving around 4,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year,” states the policy summary.

Community groups not wanting to wait on the uncertain outcome of the election to go solar can take advantage of existing subsidies now that can reduce the cost of a solar power system by thousands of dollars. However, support under the Solar Credits scheme will start reducing in 2017.

Other schemes may also provide assistance, depending on the location of the community group. For example, Adelaide City Council is offering CBD businesses, residents, schools and community groups grants of up to $5,000 for installing battery storage and up to $5,000 to install solar panels.

The installation of solar panels can make a huge difference to a community group’s electricity bills. According to Energy Matters, A 5.2kW system without battery storage can provide a financial benefit of up to $2,282 a year; depending on the location of the installation and power consumption profile.

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