Why Are Some Solar Quotes More Expensive Than Others?

Unlock the secrets behind varying solar quotes! Delve into factors like component quality, installation requirements, and retailer profit margins. Learn to decipher quotes and choose the right solar installer for a reliable, long-lasting system tailored to your energy needs.
Why are some solar quotes more expensive than others

When you’re ready to install solar panels on your home, getting several solar quotes from different installers is important. You will likely find that each quote is vastly different during this process. Knowing which quote to select can be tricky – should you choose the cheapest option? This blog will give you some guidance and advice on what to look for in a solar quote.

Breaking down a solar quote

While there’s no stock-standard quote form, most will include the following:

  • Installation address
  • Quoted installation price (including STC deduction and state rebates/incentives)
  • Satellite view of roof and proposed panel layout
  • Size of the system
  • Component makes and models
  • Component warranties
  • Installation warranties
  • Expected return on investment (ROI) timeframe
  • Summary of the solar retailer (‘About us’)
  • Terms and conditions

You must read through every aspect of the quote you receive. The terms and conditions will be different for each retailer.

Factors that influence the cost of a solar installation

The factors that will ultimately affect the quoted price for each quote are:

  • The components chosen: The quality of the solar panels, inverters, batteries, and other components can drastically affect the cost of the system.
  • Installation requirements: A 2-storey home may require additional safety equipment and labour, the material of your roof will impact how the panels are installed and the brackets used, and your home may require a switchboard upgrade – amongst other things.
  • Installation warranties: Reputable installers will usually offer greater warranties for installation. They may further offer production guarantees.
  • The profit margin of the retailer: Larger retailers often have greater overheads, resulting in lower profit margins. Smaller retailers may not be able to purchase and store in bulk, resulting in a higher cost per component.
  • Miscellaneous: Asbestos removal, difficult cable runs, distance travelled, split arrays, removal of an old solar system (if upgrading), relocation of antennas or satellite dishes, etc.

Find out how much you can expect to pay for solar

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CTA quote form

By submitting your contact details provided on this form you are giving consent for one of our Solar Partners to contact you by Phone, Email, or SMS for a period of 90 days to discuss the solar-related products you have enquired about today. Your consent can be revoked at any time by either verbal or written confirmation.

*Prices quoted are to be used as a guide only and do not factor in state and other rebates and incentives. Includes STC discount.

How do I choose the right solar quote?

When push comes to shove, choosing the right installer will ultimately determine which quote to go with. A reputable installer should be designing the best system for your home. They should also be reliable and have proven longevity in the solar industry.

Comparing solar quotes

The best system for your home will take into account:

  • System longevity: Cheap panels, inverters, and batteries might just see you replacing the system sooner than expected. The last thing you want is to have a system underperforming, breaking down, or going through a drawn-out warranty claim. Investing in quality components will give you peace of mind for many years.
  • Your current and future energy usage: Some installers are in it for a quick buck and will install a cheap system with little consideration for your energy needs.

When you receive a quote, look for the following:

  • The make and model of the components and their warranties: Research the quality of the solar panels, inverters, and batteries. Scrutenise their performance and output, and find out what you will need to do to fulfil warranty requirements. Check out our recommended products.
  • Installation warranties and production guarantees: The fine print is where you will find what is, and what is not, covered by warranties and guarantees. Ask the salesperson to explain anything you need further information for and get it in writing.

Making the right choice

Ultimately, you want to ensure that the decision that you choose the right installer. If things go wrong, you want to know that there will be someone on the other end of the phone when you call. The quoted price should not be the only determining factor. The quality of the components, the installation warranties, and the reputation of the business must all be factored into your decision.

Our rule of thumb is this: if Google doesn’t know who they are then give them a miss. You wouldn’t purchase a $7,000 TV from a dodgy market stand, so don’t leave your solar investment in the hands of an unknown installer. 

Energy Matters works with an Australia-wide network of installers ready to provide you with FREE quotes. This service is completely obligation-free. Begin your solar journey today!

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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