The Energy Situation – What Australians Think

Australia energy opinion survey

After a particularly tumultuous time on the Australian energy scene, an Essentials Report poll reveals the thoughts of voters on the various issues.

Since September last year, there’s been (yet another) pitched battle between renewables and fossil fuels; with both sides hurling all they can at the fray. After all this debate and propaganda, and with heatwaves and the threat of blackouts in the rear view mirror (for now), what does the average Australian think of it all?

Here’s some highlights from the latest poll conducted online of 1,006 Australians, carried out from the 16th to 19th February 2017.

  • With regard to the Labor Party’s target of 50% renewable energy by 2030, a total of 65% approved and just 18% disapproved.

  • As for recent blackouts, 45% felt failures of the energy market in responding to extreme weather events were to blame. Only 16% believed it was due to an over-reliance on renewable energy.

  • 64% agreed that renewables are the solution to Australia’s future energy needs. 14% consider renewables to be a threat to energy supply.

  • A whopping 71% maintained the Federal Government wasn’t doing enough to ensure affordable, reliable and clean energy for Australian households and businesses.

  • 31% support building new coal fired power stations in Australia and 45% oppose the idea. It won’t come as a surprise that Liberal/National voters were more likely to support coal.

  • On a related issue, climate change, 60% believe climate change is happening and is caused by human activity – an increase of 6% since December last year.

Of those surveyed, 36% indicated a voting preference for Liberal/National in the next election, 34% Labor, 10% Greens; with the balance spread over other parties.

On a two party preferred basis, Labor was ahead on 52%; with Liberal National on 48%.

After the barrage of media on energy, which is still ongoing, it’s certainly an interesting look into what Australians are thinking – and encouraging to see such strong support for renewable energy in the face of it all.

The full Essentials Report along with a breakdown of the above statistics can be downloaded here (PDF).

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