Australian Solar Panel Dumping Investigation To End (Again)

Solar panel dumping - Australia

The Australian Anti-Dumping Commission has signaled its intention to again end an investigation into the dumping of solar panels made in China.

“Dumping” is a predatory pricing practice whereby manufacturers export items to another nation at a price either below that charged in the manufacturer’s local market or below its cost of production.

The lengthy and expensive first investigation was terminated in October last year when it was determined the dumping margin had a negligible effect on Australia’s solar panel manufacturing industry – which consisted of one company.

However, in January this year, the investigation was restarted after the Australian manufacturer that triggered the first investigation appealed.

The second investigation is now complete – and with the same result.

“…the injury to the Australian industry that has been, or may be, caused by exports of PV panels exported from China during the period 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2013 (the investigation period) exported at dumped prices is negligible,” states the preliminary finding (PDF).

Among the findings, a mathematical error was identified in the Australian manufacturer’s claim that in the absence of dumping, prices of its panels at the end-user level of trade would be the same or less than the price for Chinese solar panels.

The investigation also included the commissioning of an end-user survey, which was conducted by Colmar Brunton.

Among the findings, Anti-Dumping Commission says, it seems Australian-made solar panels would be ” highly unresponsive” to changes in price of Chinese modules and a small increase in the installed price of Chinese PV panels wouldn’t  result in significant switching to Australian-made products.

The Commissioner is now seeking comments from interested parties on the preliminary findings before a final decision is made as to whether to officially terminate the investigation under subsection 269TDA(13) of the Customs Act 1901

There’s little doubt that low-cost, high quality solar power panels manufactured in China have played a significant role in Australia’s solar success story. The availability of low-priced solar PV products has empowered more Australian households and businesses to take greater control over their electricity costs through the use of solar power systems and accelerated Australia’s progress towards a cleaner energy future.

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