ETSA’s Solar Crackdown Challenged

Some South Australian solar power system owners who installed large systems under the state's previous feed in tariff incentive level have been targeted by ETSA - but perhaps for not much longer.

Some South Australian solar power system owners who installed large systems under the state’s previous feed in tariff incentive level have been targeted by ETSA – but perhaps for not much longer.

Letters have been sent by ETSA demanding justification from these participants to remain on the previous 44c feed in tariff rate; threatening suspension if the dominant purpose of the installation was “for profit” and other breaches. Various reports from February suggest 160 people had their rebate suspended while ETSA assessed their responses and more letters have gone out since that time.

ETSA claims to be observing their legal responsibilities, enforcing eligibility requirements and administering the scheme to protect the interests of all electricity consumers; however some of the eligibility criteria were implemented after the systems were installed.

On Wednesday, the South Australian Upper House of State Parliament backed a Greens motion calling for an end to the crackdown.

“I’m delighted the Upper House has backed a Greens Motion calling on the Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis and ETSA Utilities to sort out this mess,” said Greens MLC Mark Parnell.

“Solar energy is a vital technology that should be supported, not undermined by this unnecessary and unfair attack by a private, overseas owned corporation – presumably under instruction from the Government.”

According to Mr. Parnell, after the previous scheme had closed and solar panels installed, ETSA Utilities added additional eligibility rules. Among them, the new arbitrary ‘annual use’ test applies to a grid connected solar panel system 3.04 kilowatts or greater installed on a premises where electricity consumption is 400 kilowatt hours or less a year.

“The Government must get much smarter in how they treat South Australians who choose to invest in solar power. Ending this attack is a good place to start,” said Mr. Parnell.

The full text of Mr. Parnell’s original motion, moved on 29 February this year, explains in greater detail the various aspects of the situation and can be viewed here.

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