Australia’s Solar Coaster To Continue?

It appears the spiel 'the best time to buy solar is always now' could remain true for prospective home solar power system purchasers in the time ahead.

It appears the spiel ‘the best time to buy solar is always now’ could remain true for prospective purchasers of home solar power systems in the time ahead.

As mentioned yesterday, the Climate Change Authority’s Renewable Energy Target review report contained recommendations for commercial and residential solar that if implemented will ensure a degree of uncertainty for the sector for years to come.

A gradual phase-out of the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) and also what the CCA refers to as an “emergency brake”; whereby the level of subsidisation can be further reduced, have been suggested.

The suggested phase-out aspect wouldn’t kick in until 2017, but if Australia’s solar subsidy history has demonstrated anything, it’s that when tools are in place to remove support for small-scale solar, they are used – and often prematurely.

A suggestion to reduce the threshold capacity to 10kw for systems before they would be moved into the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target also threatens to undermine investor certainty according to some in the industry.

Even given these major issues, Australia’s solar trade bodies have generally welcomed the final report; perhaps taking a “it could have been worse” approach – particularly given the coal lobby reportedly pushed to gut the Renewable Energy Target right up until the last possible moment.

The Sustainable Energy Association’s (SEA) Kirsten Rose commented; “While we have some concerns with the report, overall SEA is pleased with the measured response taken by the CCA and we look forward to contributing further to the issues raised, particularly the proposed reduction of the SRES cap.”

The Australian Solar Council  welcomed the Climate Change Authority’s recommendation to maintain the Renewable Energy Target, but was disappointed by the recommendations on commercial and home solar panel systems.

The Clean Energy Council’s (CEC’s) public statement said the report was a “welcome development that would allow the sector to get back to business and roll out more renewable energy across the country. ”

Greens leader Senator Christine Milne said : “Bernie Fraser has given the renewable energy target a big thumbs up. The next step is boosting the target. Given its mandate to put forward policies to address catastrophic global warming, the Climate Change Authority should have pushed for a stronger renewable energy target.”

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