Energy Matters Supporting Solar Citizens

Australian grassroots group Solar Citizens is gaining a helping hand in its important work from national solar provider Energy Matters.

Australian grassroots group Solar Citizens is gaining a helping hand in its important work from national solar provider Energy Matters.

Solar Citizens is bringing together existing and future owners of solar power systems, with goals of seeing the clean energy technology installed on every suitable rooftop in the nation and to ensure the efforts of solar households are fairly rewarded.

Officially launched in May, the ranks of Solar Citizens have quickly swelled; reaching nearly 9,500 registered members so far.

More than 4,700 individuals have taken online action for two Solar Citizens campaigns relating to Queensland and Tasmania.

While membership is free, running the organisation certainly comes at a cost – and this is where Energy Matters has stepped in to assist.

“Solar Citizens is undertaking crucial work,” says Energy Matters CEO Jeremy Rich. “We’re very pleased to be able to assist the group towards our common goal of a solar Australia, one where Australians turn the current energy status quo on its head and have more control over their electricity bills.

While attempts have been made to crush Australia’s rooftop solar revolution through misinformation campaigns and other means; consumers have seen through the anti-solar spin. Millions of Australians now live in households that benefit from solar power.

“The solar revolution is well under way. Solar Citizens’ rapid growth is another signal of that and recalcitrant old-school energy interests best get used to the new reality,” says Mr. Rich.

“If as much effort went into working with small scale renewable energy as has gone into resisting it, we’d be so much further down the track towards Australia’s renewable energy future – a future where everyone can be winners.”

Energy Matters has committed to donating $5,000 to the group to assist in running campaigns in support of current and future solar citizens.

About Solar Citizens

Solar Citizens protect the rights of millions of Australians with solar to cut bills, create clean power and take energy generation back into their own hands. Solar Citizens is an initiative of 100% Renewable.

About Energy Matters

Award winning Energy Matters was founded in 2005 and has installed over 15,000 solar panel systems on homes, schools and commercial buildings. Between Energy Matters and sister company Apollo Energy, the two have supplied over 300,000 solar panels to projects throughout Australia.

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