Solar Households – Saviours Not Sinners

An upcoming report will challenge the views of those who believe solar households are being heavily cross-subsidised by others.

An upcoming report will challenge the views of those who believe solar households are being heavily cross-subsidised by others.

Australia’s solar industry and supporters have been battling myths over the revolutionary technology ever since its opponents finally woke up to the fact solar is a game-changer; not just a novel technology for use by granola-munching hippies in hessian.

While it has been shown time and again that solar is not the major factor in electricity price rises and has actually contributed to lowering the wholesale cost of electricity, the accusations of solar households being heavily cross-subsidised by non-solar users continue to be spouted.

The misinformation is most loudly repeated by those involved in or connected to the fossil fuel and Big Energy sectors – somewhat understandable given they are the ones with the most to lose.

Amongst the many furphies being disseminated is that solar households are avoiding paying their ‘fair share’ of network charges; costs that are being picked up by non-solar users.

However, it’s about swings and roundabouts.

Upcoming research from the Centre for Policy Development and Australian Photovoltaic Association will quantify the real impacts of rooftop solar panels on other households’ bills.

According to a brief statement from the APVA published late last week:

“Preliminary results show households installing air-conditioning (AC) add around $75 to other households’ bills a year, by increasing demand peaks. Since about 70% of households have installed AC, it is important that such peak demand increases be minimised. Where PV is also added to the network, the bill increase faced by other households due to AC is reduced.”

The report will be released in early 2014.

RenewEconomy’s Giles Parkinson points out that if solar households are to be punished for the “crime” of using less electricity; the same penalties should apply to anyone doing anything to become more energy efficient; which is of course a ridiculous situation.

What is needed is real electricity pricing reform.

The potential threat of increasing network charges for owners of solar power systems has created outrage among the technology’s supporters. A petition has been launched by Solar Citizens against any ‘sun tax‘.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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