Australian Government Invokes N Word In Energy Issues Paper

Perhaps like children hinting for Xmas gifts they know they have little hope of receiving, Australia's government has referred to the N word (nuclear) in its Energy White Paper Issue Paper in quite glowing terms.

Perhaps like children hinting for Xmas gifts they know they have little hope of receiving, Australia’s government has referred to the N word (nuclear) in its Energy White Paper Issue Paper in quite glowing terms.
Nuclear is generally The Energy Option That Shall Not Be Named  in terms of powering the country – however, the government appears to have attempted to plant the seeds of a future nuclear nation.
Some would say it’s bad enough we export uranium to others; but the thought of nuclear power stations here – particularly given the ongoing Fukushima crisis – may not only be abhorrent, but also completely unnecessary given the level of clean and safe renewable energy resources the country is blessed with.
Nevertheless, statements such as the following appear in the document:
“With environmental considerations constraining the further development of hydro-electric sources, nuclear technologies continue to present an option for future reliable energy that can be readily dispatched into the market.”
“A growing area of global interest is in the use of small modular reactors, which have the potential to reduce the cost uncertainties and construction timeframes associated with current generation reactor designs.”
These statements are perhaps akin to mentioning “all the other kids have an iPad”.
While a Renewable Energy razor gang appears to be busy re-sharpening its blades after axing so much already; talk of the nuclear option might be a further great disappointment to many Australians who believe in a clean and safe renewable energy future for this nation.
The Energy White Paper Issue Paper can be viewed here. The Paper is the beginning of consultation on the Energy White Paper that will be developed by the Department of Industry. Te Government is now seeking submissions from stakeholders parties on the issues outlined in the paper.

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