Aussie Battlers Still Big Solar Adopters

Recent data from the Clean Energy Regulator further dispels the 'solar is for the rich' myth.

Recent data from the Clean Energy Regulator further dispels the “solar is for the rich” myth.

According to a report on RenewEconomy; the top 20 postcodes for solar uptake in Western Australia earn $1021 less than the WA average. The top postcode is Mandurah (postcode 6210), where residents earn $681 less than the average WA wage.

In Victoria, Hoppers Crossing tops the list of Melbourne’s solar suburbs says The Age, followed by Werribee and Cranbourne.

Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber says Victorians are “..walking into solar shops with their power bills in their hands saying ‘I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more’.”

That this trend is continuing is no surprise – while increasing power costs are creating the trigger for Australians wanting to install solar power systems; something that is enabling more families and retirees to actually make the switch is the advent of innovative financial mechanisms such as zero deposit payment plans.

While some payment plans can be expensive, others such as Energy Matters offers can offer a weekly repayment rate less than what a household is currently paying for mains supplied power – and at the end of the plan; the electricity generated is essentially free. Under the Energy Matters arrangement, the purchaser owns the system from day one and there is nothing further to pay at the conclusion of the agreement.

With what is often perceived the last major barrier to going solar (the up-front cost) removed, future reports from the Clean Energy Regulator may show an even greater representation of mortgage belt and lower income suburbs and towns among Australia’s top solar postcodes.

The Energy Matters Australian Solar Index shows very impressive rates of return on investment on installing solar panels – it can outperform returns on shares, property, gold and term deposits. This aspect also makes solar particularly attractive in retirement planning.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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