Australian Solar Council Launches Save Solar TV Ad

The Australian Solar Council has launched its first ever TV and print advertising campaign as part of its efforts to save the nation's Renewable Energy Target.

The Australian Solar Council has launched its first ever TV and print advertising campaign as part of its efforts to save the nation’s Renewable Energy Target.

Timed to coincide with the lead-up to the election in Western Australia; the Save Solar campaign advertising underlines the importance of the Renewable Energy Target in relation to providing financial support for the installation of home solar power systems.

Currently, the RET provides up to $3,450 subsidy on a 5kW solar power system. A solar panel system of this size is large enough to wipe out the power bills of an average Australian household.

If the RET is gutted, it would not only seriously impact on the affordability of systems; but also on solar jobs throughout Australia.

Earlier this year it was estimated if the RET was abolished, up to 6,750 solar PV jobs could be lost and foregone nationwide in less than 5 years; approximately 1,200 of those in Western Australia.

The Australian Solar Council says if the Renewable Energy Target is left unchanged, it could deliver 700 megawatts of big solar in Western Australia; creating 7,000 construction jobs by 2020.

“More than 500,000 West Australians with solar know solar cuts power bills and we want to make sure all West Australians can have access to solar. The Renewable Energy Target helps people who want to invest in solar for their homes,” said Australian Solar Council CEO John Grimes.

The Australian Solar Council says it has been in discussions with key political parties to determine their support for maintaining the existing RET.

“The future of the Renewable Energy Target will be a key issue in the WA Senate election. From our questions to candidates, householders will know which candidates commit (to) help them reduce their power bills.”


Renewable Energy Target – Cost Vs. Value

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