Clean Energy Australia Report 2013

A just-released report from the Clean Energy Council reveals renewable energy provided 14.76 per cent of Australia’s electricity last year.

A just-released report from the Clean Energy Council reveals renewable energy provided 14.76 per cent of Australia’s electricity last year.

While hydro power made up the lion’s share, Clean Energy Australia Report 2013 states 1.25 million solar power systems were installed by the end of 2013, with more than 200,000 systems installed during last year. There were 4595 solar installers across Australia at the end of 2013.

Again addressing the “solar is for the rich” myth; the report says:

“Residents from affluent inner-city suburbs generally installed solar at much lower rates than those in mortgage belt, retirement and regional areas.”

Wind power provided 4 per cent of Australia’s overall electricity demand in 2013, with 1639 wind turbines cranking enough clean power to supply the needs of 1.3 million homes.

Renewables continued to be a significant employer in Australia, with 21,000 jobs across all sectors.

The report states the renewable energy industry has contributed $5 billion of investment to the economy each year for the past three years.

“This report shows that this is an industry poised to unlock tens of billions of dollars in investment, if the national Renewable Energy Target remains in place following the current review process,” said Clean Energy Council Chief Executive David Green.

“The Clean Energy Australia Report 2013 shows what the Renewable Energy Target has already achieved. All it needs now is to be left alone to do the rest of its job. With the right policy settings for a stable investment environment, clean energy will help Australia’s economy go from strength to strength.”

The report highlights recent research stating power bills will be more than $500 million cheaper across all Australian households in 2020 with the Renewable Energy Target in place than if it was removed; with the savings growing beyond that year to $1.4 billion.

Clean Energy Australia Report 2013 can be viewed in full here.

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