Victoria’s Feed In Tariff – November Start

Documents released from the Victorian Department Of Industry today say the state's feed in tariff scheme is expected to start on 1 November 2009.

As reported a few days ago, some solar power system owners in Victoria have been led to believe the state’s feed in tariff had already commenced. As we mentioned, this is not the case.
However, documents released from the Victorian Department Of Industry today state the scheme is “expected to start on 1 November 2009”.  
The premium feed-in tariff will be available to households, community organisations and small businesses who consume less than 100 megawatt hours of electricity  a year.
 The rate received under the premium feed-in tariff scheme is 60 cents per kilowatt hour for power fed back into the grid. The maximum size system that can be installed to receive the premium feed-in tariff is 5 kilowatts.
However, the devil is in the details, leading some to label the scheme “a farce
 The premium feed-in tariff will be credited against a customer’s electricity bill, by their electricity retailer, with each bill credit available for a maximum of 12 months (although some retailers may offer better terms). In other states, a cash payment is offered and in the A.C.T, a gross feed in tariff is in operation that pays the premium rate on all electricity generated by a solar power system.
Additionally, the tariff will only be available until a total capacity of systems participating reaches 100 megawatts total capacity.
The program will be offered by all electricity retailers who have more than 5,000 customers.
More details regarding the Victorian feed in tariff, and information about other state schemes can be viewed here.
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