Wind Turbines And Modern Art Collide

Meet eddy, the vertical axis wind turbine that looks like it would be more at home in a modern art gallery than on a rooftop.

Meet eddy, the vertical axis wind turbine that looks like it would be more at home in a modern art gallery than on a residential rooftop.

Manufactured by U.S. company Urban Green Energy, eddy is 1.38 metres wide, 1.6 metres tall and weighs in at around 81 kilograms.

The vertical axis design allows eddy to generate electricity from wind coming from any direction; making it suitable for suburban applications where buffeting often occurs due to the many obstructions found in residential areas.

Eddy has a rated power of 600 watts and a cut-in speed of just 3.5 metres a second. The unit has a maximum safe wind speed of more than 120mph (55 m/s), and an engineered lifetime of 20 years. The carbon fibre and fibreglass composite blades spin at a maximum of 200 revolutions per minute.

Urban says the only maintenance required is an annual check to ensure all bolts are still secure. No major maintenance is expected throughout eddy’s 20 year life.

An often sensitive issue eddy addresses in relation to wind turbines is noise – one of the major objections local government authorities (and neighbours) have against the installation of wind turbines in residential areas. The noise level produced by the turbine at 12 m/s according to IEC 61400-11 is 38 dB(A), which is halfway between the noise level of a whisper (15 dB) and normal conversation (60 dB)

The wind turbine can be configured with a hybrid controller for integration into a some existing solar power systems.


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