Aussies want energy efficiency and lower power bills: YouGov Galaxy Poll

Lower power bills top priority for voters according to YouGov Galaxy poll

Australians want government to step up and deliver energy efficient policies offering lower power bills for homes and businesses.

A YouGov Galaxy survey shows 90 per cent of voters think governments should play a role in reducing power bills. And 88 per cent support government investment in energy efficiency.

The poll also revealed strong support for renewable energy. Fifty per cent of respondents oppose reducing incentives for solar power and energy storage batteries with only 34 per cent supporting the idea.

Coal not a popular choice for future energy

The results send a clear message to government as energy ministers prepare to meet this week to discuss the design of the new National Energy Guarantee (NEG).

Lower power bills on everybody's mind in new YouGov Galaxy poll.
Lower power bills are top priority for 90 per cent of respondents in a new YouGov Galaxy poll. Image: Pixabay

The NEG takes a “technology neutral” approach to generation, rather than intervening to extend the life of existing coal-fired power plants.

Poll respondents were meanwhile divided on whether government should invest in new coal-fired generators. This measure received just 4 per cent net support.

Energy efficiency measures critical to lower power bills

The YouGov poll was commissioned by the Property Council of Australia (PCA), Energy Efficiency Council and Australian Council for Social Services (ACOSS). As results show,  investment in energy efficiency is the most popular policy the government could introduce.

Because business and the community are both backing the measure, the government needs to show leadership on energy efficiency.

According to PCA Chief Executive Ken Morrison, governments are too preoccupied with increasing the supply of power.

Multiplying renewable sources and falling costs mean it’s time to shift emphasis to reducing demand for power.

This is done using energy efficiency fixtures and appliances in homes and businesses across Australia. The poll also showed:

  • 79 per cent support incentives to upgrade commercial buildings.
  • 80 per cent support minimum energy efficiency standards for rental homes.
  • 92 per cent support better energy efficiency in public buildings like schools and hospitals.

Solar battery storage backed by power saving devices

Because power bills keep rising, many homes and businesses choose solar panel installations as well as energy storage like the sonnen battery system to help reduce costs.

Power saving devices and fixtures designed to reduce energy consumption also cut power bills effectively.

According to ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie, householders could also save $600 per year by upgrading their home appliances from two to five energy rating stars.

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