Renewable Energy Index is a snapshot of Australia’s power

The first ‘Renewable Energy Index’ report shows that during the 2016-17 financial year, Australia produced enough renewable energy to power 7 million households.

This represents around 70% of all homes. In addition, if the July 2017 report is anything to go by, the figures are only going to get better!

About the Renewable Energy Index

The Index was developed by market analysts Green Energy Markets, and its purpose is to track renewable energy in Australia. Green Energy Markets will publish a monthly report on all findings.

Several areas are tracked. These include the amount of renewable energy generated, number of jobs created, power-bill costs savings, and environmental benefits.

Green Energy Markets' Renewable Energy Index 2016-17.
Green Energy Markets’ Renewable Energy Index 2016-17.

Data for the analysis was collected from a range of reputable sources. They include the Australian Energy Market Operator, Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Clean Energy Corporation, the Clean Energy Regulator and others.

Key findings for 2016-17

  • Rooftop solar power was the third-largest contributor to renewables, after hydro and wind, at more than 7,200 gigawatt  hours.
  • Renewable energy accounted for 17% of total power generated from the country’s main power grids.
  • Energy produced through renewable sources had the capacity to power 7.1 million homes. The highest number was in Victoria at around 2 million.
  • 25.4 million tonnes of carbon pollution were avoided due to renewables. This is equivalent to the pollution of around 8 million cars.
  • Nearly 2,600 megawatts of large-scale renewable energy projects were underway during the year. These projects generated enough work to employ over 8,800 people – including 3,000 for commercial solar power.
  • 150,000 small scale solar power systems were installed. These provided employment for more than 3,700 workers, and power for over 220,000 homes. They are also expected to generate cost-savings on power bills of $1.6 billion over the next ten years.

July 2017 findings

The July 2017 report indicates growth in all the areas mentioned above.

During the month, Australia produced enough energy to power 8.2 million, or 75%, of homes. Renewable energy also accounted for almost 19% of all power generated from the main grids.

In addition, more than 2,800 megawatts of large-scale renewable projects were underway. Small-scale solar projects amounted to 14,400, with Queensland in the lead, followed by NSW/ACT and WA. Rooftop solar projects created 4,660 jobs and powered over 24,000 homes during the month.

The numbers seem to indicate a healthy future ahead for solar power for homes and other renewables in terms of energy production, employment, cost-savings and pollution reduction.


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