IEA’s Key World Energy Statistics: a snapshot of global energy use

International Energy Agency

The 2017 Key World Energy Statistics report from the International Energy Agency gives a snapshot of energy production and use throughout the world.

The report shows growth in the production of renewable energy and slight decreases in fossil fuels.

Here’s a look at some of the major findings:

Energy production 2015

  • Fossil fuels accounted for nearly 82% of all production –
    a slight decrease from 2014.
  • Renewable energy production showed sharp growth from 2014.
    Growth for wind power was 17%, solar thermal 7%, and solar PV 30%.
  • China produced almost half of all global energy from coal, and around 30% from hydro.
  • 40% of world crude oil was contributed by Saudi Arabia,
    the Russian Federation and the US.
  • The US and France together produced 50% of global nuclear power.

Total primary energy source (TPES)

There was a change in the mix of total energy sources from 1971 to 2015.

For example:

  • Oil fell from 44% to 32% of TPES.
  • Gas increased from 16% to 22%.
  • Coal increased from 26% to 28%. However, it has fallen since it reached a peak in 2011, largely due to rapidly increased consumption in China.
  • Nuclear energy increased 5-fold – from 1% to 5%.

Power generation and consumption

In the top five countries (China, US, India, Russian Federation and Japan) coal still dominates in terms of electricity generation. It is at its lowest level since 2002, however, at 39%.

Energy use in a city
Energy use across the globe is the subject of a new report. 

The share of renewables in the top five reached 23% in 2015 – with recent growth coming largely from wind and solar power.

The sector with the highest level of total global final consumption in 2015 was industry, at 37%, followed by transport (29%) and residential (22%).

OECD trends for 2016

Australia has been a member of the OECD since 1971. OECD in 2016 shows an energy mix of the following:

  • Gas – 28%.
  • Coal – 28%.
  • Hydro – 13%.
  • Nuclear – 18%.
  • Non-hydro renewables – 11%. This includes solar power, wind power, and geothermal.

Solar energy – the world and Australia

The data shows solar energy generation is definitely on the rise. For example, global solar PV energy production from 2005 to 2015 grew from 4 TkWh (total kilowatt hours) to 247 TkWh.

In terms of solar PV production, Australia ranks in the top ten countries, representing 2.4% of the world’s total.

It also ranks 5th in the world in terms of home solar power as a percentage of total domestic electricity generation.


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