Install Solar Panels in Oberon, NSW 2787

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Oberon, NSW

Oberon, nestled in New South Wales (NSW) is a picturesque town that embodies the essence of rural beauty and tranquillity. 

Surrounded by the stunning landscapes of the Blue Mountains and lush countryside, Oberon is a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. 

Oberon is also known for its seasonal beauty, with the surrounding countryside transforming into a winter wonderland during the snowy months.

If you’re considering sustainable living in this idyllic setting, exploring solar energy solutions could be a thoughtful choice. Energy Matters offers free solar quotes, providing you the opportunity to seamlessly integrate renewable energy into your home. As the seasons change in Oberon, imagine harnessing the power of the sun to complement the town’s natural wonders.

Total Installed Solar PV Systems in Oberon*


Total Installed Capacity in Oberon (kW)*


*As of June 2024

Average solar production in Oberon, NSW

The following data shows the average daily solar PV production by month in Oberon, NSW by a solar PV system. The data is based on a 6kW solar PV system in kilowatt-hours (kWh) rounded to the nearest whole number.

Compare solar panels in Oberon

As a result of the NSW government’s measures to improve accessibility and reduce the cost of renewable energy sources, more families in the state are switching to solar energy.

Australia Energy Market Operator (AEMO) predicts that by 2038, the state’s installed PV capacity will reach 6,070 MW.

The first step in switching to solar energy is choosing the best solar installer in Oberon. Fortunately, Oberon is home to a wide range of solar installers.

We recommend choosing Tier 1 solar panel manufacturers because of their high bankability, which lets them honour their warranties. They are also known to produce higher-quality solar panels. 

Check out Bloomberg’s New Energy Finance Tier 1 PV Module Manufacturer list, which is updated every year.

Also, to help you with your search, Energy Matters has established solid partnerships with trusted and reliable solar panel manufacturers. They are: 


Start your solar journey here with us by getting up to 3 FREE, no-obligation quotes. We have a large network of trusted, local installers to provide you with personalised quotes for a solar system to meet your current and future needs.

Most homes in NSW have a solar system with 6.6 kW PV panels and a 5 kW inverter. You can install up to 33 per cent more panels than the inverter is rated at. 

Getting a bigger rooftop solar system initially is a good move, considering electrification is sweeping across the country fast. A bigger solar system in Oberonl will prepare you for the changes to your future energy needs. In addition, this will save you more money in the long run.

Solar rebates and incentives in Oberon, NSW

The New South Wales (NSW) government offers incentives and subsidies to encourage the usage of solar power. 

Swap for Solar

Families with low incomes may be qualified for subsidies that will pay for installing 3kW systems.

Rebate Swap for Energy Upgrades

You might be able to sell your energy-saving upgrades for money if you aren’t eligible for a Swap for Solar. You can be eligible for a free home energy study worth up to $4,000 by updating your appliances.

Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

Australians who have solar panels installed in their homes can easily obtain STCs. STCs are issued by the Australian Federal Government, but their cost is determined by the market. Since each solar system is only permitted a specific number of STCs, the total value of these STCs will be deducted from the value of the entire solar system.

Feed-in Tariff (FiT)

Exporting excess energy into the grid will reward you with FiTs. Energy retailers are the ones who will award you with FiTs and set the rates. 

The right solar system in Oberon

Prior to installing rooftop solar panels, Oberon property owners should take the following factors into account: 

  • Roof condition: Prior to installing rooftop solar panels in Oberon, it’s crucial to consider your roof’s condition. 
  • Roof angle: The latitude of the home’s location determines the appropriate roof angle for a given region. 
  • Energy usage: You must know your average monthly energy usage in order to calculate the quantity of solar panels you require for your home. In this case, you will have to present your prior energy bills.
  • Surrounding shade: Shade from neighbouring trees or other structures may result in less effective operation of the solar panels on your roof. When choosing the ideal position for your rooftop solar panels, consult your Oberon solar installer.

Do you need a solar battery in Oberon, NSW?

You can store the energy produced by your Oberon rooftop solar panels if you have a solar battery. Owning a solar battery has the following advantages:


  • Energy independence: Lucknow residents can completely eliminate or significantly reduce their reliance on the grid by constructing a solar battery. 
  • Protection from blackouts: Even though Oberon doesn’t experience many power outages, solar batteries can help you be better prepared for them when they do happen. One of the solar batteries you can buy right now is the Tesla Powerwall.
  • Cost savings: Participating in a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) can save you even more money as you get credits for sharing the power stored by your battery. 

Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Oberon

The NSW Government also makes EVs more affordable by reducing upfront costs. For the first 25,000 eligible EVs sold, NSW residents can get $3,000 rebates. However, the EV should have a dutiable value of less than $68,750. With the abolition of stamp duty, consumers can up to $5,540. 

Here are the benefits of EVs: 


  • Lower costs: EVs are more affordable to run and maintain. With this, you can save more money when you have an EV. 
  • Help meet the country’s emissions target: Australia aims to reach net zero by 2050. You can participate in this by switching to an EV.
  • More economic opportunities: Australia is the largest lithium exporter in the world. EV batteries are mainly made of lithium. Therefore, when you get an EV, you get to support the Australian lithium industry. 


Are you ready to make your next car an EV? Book a test drive today!

The return on investment on Oberon solar panels

A mid-range home in Oberon can see a return on investment between two and six years. However, it’s essential to consider your energy consumption and usage pattern. 

Can’t afford to switch right Now?

If you don’t have the finances for solar right now, don’t let that stop you! Solar is an excellent investment. Many of our trusted solar installers now offer $0 upfront interest-free loans where you can pay off your system in small monthly instalments. You only need to request an obligation-free quote and find out what payment plan options are available.