Tesla Solar Roof Costs

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As the world moves toward a more sustainable future, many homeowners in Australia are exploring options for clean energy. The Tesla Solar Roof is one of the most innovative products on the market, combining traditional roofing materials with solar panels to generate clean energy while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the home. 

Check out our page to learn more about Tesla solar roofs in Australia.

What is a Tesla solar roof tiles?

A Tesla Solar Roof is a roofing system made of individual solar panels designed to look like traditional roofing materials. These panels are made from tempered glass and are three times stronger than standard roofing tiles. The Solar Roof is designed to be more durable than traditional roofing materials and can generate electricity for the home while being aesthetically pleasing.

With Tesla’s Solar Roof tiles, a single item can serve two distinct purposes by incorporating the functionality of solar cells into roof tiles. Solar roof shingles, categorised under Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), are significantly more streamlined than conventional home solar panels, changing the appearance of a roof with solar panels.

thinking of getting solar

Other solar shingle products have been available, but Tesla’s textured glass tile shingles have some impressive features. A 25-year warranty and outstanding hail, fire, and wind ratings are among them. Tesla asserts that compared to conventional roof shingles, its shingles provide more durability and weather protection.

The Solar Roof is designed to look like traditional roofing materials, including slate, clay, and asphalt, while generating electricity for the home. The Solar Roof can be installed on any home, from traditional to modern, and is designed to be more durable than traditional roofing materials.

US-based Specifications:

  • Product Warranty: 25 Years
  • Power Warranty: 25 Years
  • Wind Warranty: Not listed
  • Water Rating: Waterproof
  • Hurricane Rating: Not listed
  • Wind Rating: Class F (highest rating)
  • Fire Rating:  Class A (highest rating)
  • Hail Rating: Class 3
  • Power Output:72 W
  • Cell Type: Monocrystalline
  • Cell Size: Not listed
  • Junction Box: Not listed
  • Connector Type: Not listed
  • Operating Temperature: Not listed
  • Updates & Improvements: Tesla Solar Inverter live software updates
  • Control: Via Tesla App

Fire rating

The highest fire rating in the sector, Class A, has been given to the Tesla Solar Roof. This roofing material is rated outstanding for fire resistance because, according to this rating, the flame spread rate for this solar power roof system will remain within the range of 0 and 25 mph.

Wind rating

A Class F wind rating has been given to Tesla Solar Roofs, which is also one of the highest ratings offered in the sector. This rating indicates that Tesla roofs can resist winds up to 110 mph (equivalent to a Category 2 or 3 hurricane). Therefore, during extreme storms with winds reaching these speeds, your roof shouldn’t lift off.

Hail rating

The hail rating of a roof is crucial for states that frequently suffer strong hail and thunderstorms. As a result of receiving a Class 3 hail rating, Tesla Solar Roofs can survive hailstones with a maximum diameter of 1.75 inches.

The cost of a Tesla solar roof tiles

Despite taking reservations, Tesla solar roofs still need to be built in Australia. However, according to SolarReviews US website last January 2023, the cost is estimated to be around $35,000 upwards of $70,000 for installing a Tesla Solar Roof. 

Tesla solar roof specs

The installation process for a Tesla Solar Roof is more complex than a traditional roofing system, so it’s important to work with a qualified and experienced installer. However, the installation cost is included in the overall price of the Solar Roof, so homeowners won’t have to worry about any additional fees.

Breaking down the price of Tesla’s solar roof tiles

Systems for Tesla Solar Roofs are made entirely of Tesla-only components. There are three main costs involved in installing a solar roof:

  • Active solar shingles

Tempered glass tiles with solar cells that generate electricity are what Tesla calls active solar shingles.

Each active shingle is 15″ by 45″ and is made to resemble slate shingles. The size of Tesla’s solar shingles is 72 watts. Therefore, five would be required to generate the same power as one 370-watt solar panel.

The active Solar Roof tiles require an installation fee of roughly $1.80 per watt. Before considering any subsidies, the cost of the active shingles for a 7 kW Tesla Solar Roof would be $12,600. The cost will increase overall the larger the solar system you require.

  • Inactive shingles

“Inactive shingles” are all about shingles on the roof that don’t produce electricity. When installed on your roof, it’s impossible to tell which solar shingles are active and which are dormant because they are made to look the same.

You cannot see how Tesla is classifying the roof or what pricing they are using for the estimate because Tesla does not allow you to choose the complexity of your roof when using Tesla’s website estimator. As a result, the rough estimate of $20 per square foot of total roof space, although somewhat it may be higher or lower.

Considering that a 1,700 square foot roof typically has inactive shingles and other roofing materials, you may consider paying about $34,000 for those items. The size and complexity of your roof will affect the total cost.

  • Existing roof removal

Tesla will also charge to remove your old roofing material. Tesla will charge you around $3,500 to tear off a typical-sized roof. The cost might change a little.

However, before Tesla can install their solar shingles, existing roofing materials like architectural asphalt shingles or concrete tiles must be fully removed.

Is Tesla's Powerwall required to use the Solar Roof?

Although the Tesla Solar Roof is a standalone product, it can be powerful when paired with other complementary products. While Tesla’s Powerwall is in charge of the storage component of the solar system, the Solar Roof is in charge of the regenerative process. To properly utilise the technology, each Solar Roof purchase also includes a Tesla Powerwall.

Although you can order without the energy storage option, the price of the Powerwall home battery will be included in the initial estimate you see on Tesla’s website. 

With Tesla’s Powerwall, your home can store solar energy for use as a backup energy source in the event of a power outage. Since the Powerwall has an integrated solar inverter, it will immediately switch on if it senses a disruption in your power source to keep your appliances functioning. When using conventional solar panels. This is different from Tesla’s Solar Inverter, which acts as a neutral ground for the energy obtained from your roof.

thinking of adding a battery

The benefits of a Tesla solar roof tiles

One of the most significant benefits is the ability to generate clean energy for the home. With a Solar Roof, homeowners can reduce their reliance on the grid and generate their electricity, resulting in significant savings on their energy bills over time.

It might be worthwhile to get one if you’re willing to pay a high price for solar energy, need to replace your roof, and enjoy the concept of modern-looking Tesla solar shingles. The Solar Roof is also designed to last for over 30 years, making it a worthwhile investment for homeowners.

tesla solar roof design

In addition to the long-term cost savings and durability benefits, the Tesla Solar Roof is also aesthetically pleasing. The Solar Roof is designed to look like traditional roofing materials, including slate, clay, and asphalt, making it a great option for homeowners who want to generate clean energy without sacrificing the appearance of their homes.

The Tesla Solar Roof is also environmentally friendly. By generating clean energy for the home, homeowners can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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Tesla solar roof cost FAQs

Is the Tesla Solar Roof cheap?

The Tesla Solar Roof is higher-level than conventional solar panels, but it is also substantially more expensive than those panels. The Tesla Solar Roof’s straightforward installation is what makes the upfront cost justified, even though it requires a larger initial expenditure. However, if you need a new roof soon and want to go solar without putting noticeable solar panels on your roof, this is one of your best options.

How much does a Tesla solar roof tile cost in Australia?

The Solar Roof was introduced in the United States in late 2016, but due to various difficulties, its spread has been notoriously delayed. Elon Reeve Musk acknowledged the business made “major mistakes” in its estimation of the difficulty of installing particular roofs.

The majority of installations in the US have been put on hold due to supply chain difficulties. Right now, the only option on the Australian Tesla website is to sign up for “Get Updates.”

It’s difficult to determine when or even if Tesla Solar Roofs will start to be installed in Australia, given the limited information currently available.

Tesla solar roof's get update

How long is the lifespan of the Tesla solar roof tile?

With a 25-year warranty, the Tesla Solar Roof is guaranteed to survive for at least that long. After 10-15 years, though, its efficiency can decline.

What is the Tesla Solar Roof’s efficiency?

The efficiency of the Tesla Solar Roof is between 8% and 10%. In 2022, most conventional solar panels will be more than 20% efficient.

Tesla Solar Roof Pros?

  • Superior aesthetics
  • Several design choices
  • Excellent warranty coverage
  • High durability

Tesla Solar Roof Cons?

  • Expensive
  • Lower efficiency than traditional systems
  • Long wait period before installation
  • Unknown maintenance costs

Why is it impossible to determine the Tesla solar roof maintenance costs?

Given how recent a product Tesla’s solar roof is, it is difficult to estimate the upkeep expenses. Solar roofs are intended to require little care, but given how recently the product has been available on the market, it is impossible to assess this. Different from conventional solar panels, you might need certified technicians available who are familiar with fixing Tesla panels if they break down.

Read more about Tesla:

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Updated February 2023

Sources: SolarReviews, MindsetEco, EcoWatch and Tesla

Images: Tesla

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