Walmart Utilised 1.1 billion kWh Of Renewable Energy In 2011

The world's largest retailer has released its latest sustainability report and among what it says are Walmart's top ten sustainability achievements for last year are its efforts in making the switch to renewable energy.

The world’s largest retailer has released its latest sustainability report and among what it says are Walmart’s top ten sustainability achievements for last year are its efforts in making the switch to renewable energy.
Walmart states it is now utilising 1.1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity from US renewable energy projects; around 22% of the electricity consumed by Walmart buildings around the world, and has its sights set on being powered by 100% renewables.
With 180 renewable energy projects in operation or under development, the United States’ EPA Green Power Partnership program now ranks  the company as the second-largest onsite green power generator in the nation.
Walmart now has 115 rooftop solar panel installations in seven countries, generating 71 million kilowatt hours of clean electricity annually. In California, approximately three-quarters of Walmart-owned locations will have commercial solar power systems installed by the end of 2013, with each system typically providing up to 30 percent of the store’s annual electricity requirements.
Walmart’s 26 fuel cell installations in the United States are generating 65 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually and the company states it is continuing on-site testing of wind turbines, solar hot water and solar thermal power in various markets.
Last year, the company also prevented 80.9 percent of all waste generated by its U.S. operations from winding up in landfill, stating this effort has the potential to avoid 11.8 million metric tons of carbon emissions annually. 
Its zero-waste-to-landfill program isn’t just about green warm and fuzzies – it has made a positive impact on it Walmart’s bottom line, returning more than $231 million last year through a combination of increased recycling revenue and decreased expenses. 
Outside the USA’s shores, the company says it is also making progress in this respect, with Walmart stores in China and Brazil diverting 52 percent of operational waste from landfills last year and its UK operator now sending zero food waste to landfills.
Walmart’s 2012 Global Responsibility report can be viewed here.

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