How to keep cool without the air-con this summer

It is the traditional summer cycle: hot weather means we rely on our air-conditioners more and our power bills go up as well. It is not a pleasant cycle and it also puts major pressure on our electricity networks, necessitates more use of power derived from fossil fuels and creates more harmful emissions.

Canstar Blue compares bills across cooling products and states to help consumers avoid bill shock.

Luckily, there are ways you can keep your cool this summer without running the air-conditioner into the ground, right around the clock. Here are some of our top tips.


How to keep cool naturally


Drink lots of water

Your core temperature is dictated by how well hydrated you are so this is a great first step towards keeping cool in summer. If you are feeling thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. So give your body the water it needs to keep its natural cooling system running around the clock and you will be less likely to feel the pressure of heat-related stress or illness.


Use cold compresses on pulse points

Pulse points are where you can check your own heartbeat, either on your neck or wrists. By placing a cold compress (even a cool washcloth will do), you reach the areas where blood vessels are closest to the skin and you will bring your core body temperature down much more quickly.


Switch to cotton linen

Cotton is a breathable fabric and is much better suited to the summer months. Swap out the heavy winter woollies for cotton linen on all of your beds and you will be able to enjoy a more comfortable night’s rest without relying on the air conditioner.


Use energy-efficient lighting solutions

Not only will you use less power by switching to LED lighting, but you will also decrease the temperature in your home because these emit less heat than incandescent light bulbs. When you consider how many lights may be used in the average household at night time, this can add up to a lot of additional heat.


Use your air-conditioning sparingly

If you do have air-con, you don’t have to resist the urge to use it completely – you just need to be smart about it. Every single degree that you drop your air-conditioner by is going to equate to around 10 per cent more power use, so try to set the thermostat to eight degrees lower than the outside temperature. At night time, set the timer on your air conditioner so it will shut down while you are asleep and the room has already been cooled.


Consider switching to solar

If you haven’t already installed solar power in your home, this could be the ideal time. It will enable you to receive rebates from your energy provider for sending energy back to the grid and you can use the summer sun to power your air-conditioning so you will not receive the bill shock this time around. There are also battery solutions available so that you can store power away for those cloudy or rainy days so you always have access to renewable energy when it’s most advantageous.


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