Powow: Installing Solar And Battery Storage Has Never Been Easier For Australians

Powow, an Australian-owned and run business, is a leading provider of innovative and sustainable energy solutions that help households reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy bills. Two of the most popular services offered by Powow are the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and Virtual Power Plant (VPP).

Powow’s Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

A PPA is a financing model that allows households to invest in renewable energy solutions without incurring any upfront costs. Under a PPA, Powow utilises its network of accredited solar installers to install solar panels on the homeowner’s property and sells the energy generated by these panels back to the homeowner at a fixed rate over a set period. This means that households can enjoy the benefits of clean and sustainable energy without having to make any capital investment or take on any of the risks associated with owning and maintaining a solar energy + battery system.

One of the key advantages of a PPA is that it provides a long-term fixed rate for energy, which helps protect households from future energy price increases. This, in turn, helps households budget for their energy costs and reduce their overall energy expenditure.

Virtual Power Plant (VPP): What is it and how can it help homeowners?

Another innovative solution offered by Powow is the Virtual Power Plant (VPP). A VPP is a network of solar panels and batteries that are connected to the grid and managed centrally. During a VPP event, where the grid requires additional energy, Powow can sell excess energy stored in household batteries back to the grid at premium rates during VPP events, generating additional revenue for households.

The VPP also provides a reliable source of backup power in the event of a power outage. By storing excess energy in batteries, homeowners can continue to power their homes even when the grid is down.

Why choose Powow?

Energy Matters has partnered with Powow to provide our customers with an alternative solution to moving to solar energy and battery storage. Finance is often the greatest barrier when considering installing solar and battery storage. Powow’s PPA and VPP will provide our customers with a $0 upfront option and financial stability in an energy market riddled with uncertainty.

When you choose to install solar and battery storage through Powow, you can rest assured that the system will work as expected, be installed and maintained by accredited installers, and provide you with ongoing peace of mind that your energy bills will be reduced.

Powow’s PPA and VPP solutions provide households with innovative and sustainable energy solutions that help reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy bills.

Our professional solar installers in Melbourne will assess and determine your energy needs. We customise a solar panel system in Melbourne to fit the roof size of your property, ensuring you receive the most suitable solar panel system for your Melbourne home, meeting to property’s energy requirements.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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