Queensland Businesses Buckling Under Hefty Power Bills

Businesses want to cut business power bills with renewables

Some businesses in regional Queensland have seen power bills for the latest quarter rise by thousands of dollars. As has been the case for many Queensland households, solar panels can provide relief – and without any up-front cost.

According to the ABC, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) says electricity prices on average have risen by over 120 per cent over the last seven years and the situation is unsustainable; with some businesses considering cutting staff just to keep the lights on.

CCIQ conducted a survey of 1100 small businesses in December last year that revealed increasing electricity prices to be a major or critical concern with 65 per cent of respondents.

“Small businesses in regional Queensland have experienced crippling electricity price increases over the past seven years due to a massive over investment in the network infrastructure,” said CCIQ General Manager of Advocacy Nick Behrens.

More increases may be on their way. Ergon Energy is seeking a total of $7.6 billion in total revenue over the next 5 years; up from $7.1 billion in the previous period. The Australian Energy Regulator will make a draft determination by late April.

For many companies, part of the answer to the problem of energy prices may be literally above their heads –  their rooftops. Commercial scale solar (10kW+)  is really taking off around Australia as businesses increasingly understand that installing solar power isn’t just good for the planet, but good for their bottom line too.

Solar not only generates electricity cheaply, commercial systems can now be installed cheaply as well – in some cases for zero dollars up front. This is thanks to the advent of solar PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) and leasing programs. The introduction of these innovative financing options removes the final barrier for some companies considering going solar.

National provider Energy Matters, which offers solar PPA’s and leasing options, installed 3 megawatts of commercial solar power across the nation last year – more capacity in the 10-100kW range than any other installer in the nation.

Meanwhile, Queensland’s residential solar revolution is also continuing to roll on. RenewEconomy says Energex reports 2,345 rooftop solar panel systems representing a collective capacity of around 10 megawatts were connected to its network last month.

Business Spectator reports 104 GWh of electricity was generated by Queensland’s rooftop solar power systems in January with the 61% exported to the grid. 15.2% of all residential electricity consumption in Queensland during January was provided by solar.

According to Energy Matters, a 4.16kW residential system installed in Brisbane can reduce power bills by between $1,147 and $1,816 a year; depending on installation location and energy consumption profile. The company also offers zero deposit options for small systems.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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