REC Solar: Get Better, Not Bigger When Purchasing Solar

When browsing solar panels, there are many selling points that might sound good at first. Things like large power output or low prices attract your eye, but they are not always reflective of a good quality panel.

Over the coming weeks, REC will be exploring the topics below in detail to demonstrate why it is important to get better, not bigger when it comes to solar.

For now, here’s an introduction to get things started.

Size is not always strength

While it is easy to compare two panels by power output and assume the higher of the pair is a more powerful design, this is not always the case.

REC Alpha Pure-R

Solar power density is an important metric, but it can be overlooked in favour of top-end power output. This means you could be missing out on the same power distributed across a smaller area of your roof, or an even greater yield by fitting in extra panels due to their smaller size.

As residential homeowners, we have a finite amount of roof space to use so we need to maximise this to our benefit. If the performance of your rooftop solar is lacking, it won’t offset your bills to the degree it should, nor will it maximise the feed-in tariffs, resulting in a poorer return on investment. 

A long lifespan

Going solar is a significant investment for any household and one which will have a considerable impact on your cost of living.  Solar panels are a long-term investment, and it’s worth putting in the extra time to research now, so you can ensure you purchase without any regrets.

Without researching a range of solar panels, you could end up with an inferior panel that doesn’t perform as promised. Not to mention, cheaper solar panels might cease to function or require frequent maintenance, costing you in the long term. Ongoing repairs or replacement can quickly add up to the point you’re not financially benefiting from the system.

Peace of mind

In an ideal world, you will have your solar panels for a long time and you deserve the peace of mind that your solar system won’t be an ongoing headache.

When shopping for solar panels, keep warranties in mind as they are a sign of a good quality product. In addition, they are an assurance that, in the rare case that something breaks, you can get a replacement.


Instead of going for the cheapest available, you might consider a solar panel with a higher power density. The REC Alpha Pure-R’s area is under two square metres, yet it delivers a power output of up to 430 Wp. This great power density means a much higher performance despite its size. It also fits in limited space, without ever compromising on strength.

The panel also comes with REC’s comprehensive ProTrust warranty, which covers you for up to 25 years (subject to conditions). It’s peace of mind for product, performance and labour.

When it comes to large purchases such as solar panels, it’s best to do your research and look beyond the price point to get better, not bigger. Consider things like solar power density, longevity, and even warranty. That way, you can rest assured knowing you’re purchasing a quality solar panel that will stand the test of time and generate a healthy return.

For further information on the Alpha Pure-R visit REC Group today.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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