Solar batteries are all really expensive – and other battery myths

With any relatively new technology, like solar batteries, there is often confusion, competing opinions and even some myths.

Yet in such uncertain times, gaining greater control over your energy needs becomes particularly appealing. When combined, solar panels and a battery can deliver greater certainty in both supply and ongoing energy costs.

DC Power Co released an exceptional value battery offer into the Australian market late in 2019 at an unbeatable price of $5850. This accessible price point means we’ve naturally had a lot of questions about it.

The main question is what you get for that price tag. Essentially, the battery offering is a comprehensive package, including:

  • 4.8kWh battery (suitable for most households)
  • 5kW hybrid inverter (that can simultaneously manage inputs from solar panels and battery)
  • blackout protection.

The system is modular, so if your energy needs are higher, a second or third battery can be added.

The interest we’ve received has also highlighted some common misconceptions and myths around solar batteries. So we wanted to take the opportunity to address, and dispel, some of these so that you take the next step to energy independence.


Myth #1: Battery technology isn’t up-to-scratch yet

Falling prices and government incentives are fuelling the rate at which Australians are buying batteries. But like many prospective buyers, you might be asking: is the technology really up-to-scratch yet?

The simple answer is ‘yes’.

While new models are released every year and it may be tempting to wait ‘until the next one’, what we’re seeing today are mainly incremental improvements.

The core technology inside a solar battery, while certainly sophisticated, has been tried and tested over decades. We’re getting continuously smarter and more efficient with using this tech, and these advancements have made solar storage increasingly affordable for the average Australian homeowner.

Lithium-ion is the most popular type of battery and has been powering our laptops and phones for years. While there are key differences, and we have certainly seen an evolution, it’s largely the same tech that is now helping us make most of our solar needs and powering our electric vehicles.

Home batteries are reducing the strain on the power grid.

Fact: Battery technology is safe, reliable and proven


Myth #2: The bigger the battery, the bigger the savings

DC Power Co’s experts analysed the energy use of around 1500 solar customers.

They found that most of these households aren’t generating enough to fill a big battery (like a much more expensive Tesla Powerwall) all-year-round. Instead, they suggest you look at how much energy you’re exporting in winter and use that information to help you determine what size battery is right for you.

The goal is to get a solar battery that can be used all-year-round. The risk you run if you get one that’s too big is that you may not be able to fill it up in winter. This is because your system will generate less electricity at that time of year – which leads to wasting money.

Fact: Bigger isn’t always better as most households can’t fill a big battery year-round


Myth #3: Solar batteries are really expensive

Greater demand for batteries means more competition and improving price points. Gone are the days when a $30,000 price tag was your only available option. Modular battery packages with powerful features such as blackout protection and advanced monitoring are now increasingly accessible to the average consumer.

 With DC Power Co, you’re actually able to get an all-comprising package that delivers exceptional value for under $6000.

 The DC Sunny Saver is DC Power Co’s powerful yet simple and affordable battery package. Starting at just $5850 plus installation, it’s a modular battery package that comes with extended warranties and blackout protection included at no extra cost.

It’s still an investment, but one from which you’ll get great outcomes from. There are also financing options available to help spread the cost, such as a green loan or adding a battery and installation to a home mortgage.

Fact: Solar batteries don’t have to break the bank


Final thoughts

In these uncertain times, we have already seen a lift in demand for both panels and batteries. To ensure you get your solar battery we recommend ordering as soon as possible.

Get your journey to energy independence started with a $250 deposit. DC Power Co will then lodge your grid approval.

Important: Due to anticipated supply chain issues due to COVID-19 the price of the battery package WILL rise in May.

To secure this deal, visit DC Power Co today by clicking here.


Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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